Yesterday I met my friend Daisha and her four kids down at Lake Anna State Park in Spotslyvania. It's about 1.5 hours south and it's the perfect place for kids! Great sandy beach, warm shallow water, playgroud, etc. When we got there it was 75 degrees and pouring down rain. Daisha and I were like...well, we drove this far let's make it worth it. They all played in the rain (with the awful humidity out here it actually wasn't that cold) for about half hour while Daisha and I tried to keep everything dry under the umbrella. Then the skies cleared, sun came out, and it was gorgeous and hot the rest of the day. Jackson and Josh had so much fun playing with Dominic and Macie. Tyce had fun eating sand and trying to put all the dirty sandy stuff into my bag of clean clothes. He got very tired and fussy so I ended up holding him most of the afternoon, but it was worth it seeing how much fun the twins were having. Plus, I got to hang out with Daisha! We've been friends since kindergarten and it's still weird to me that we both ended up out here. Anyways, it was a great day!!!! =)
Cute Joshy...

Cute Jack...
Unfortunately, I was a little late on the sunscreen application so Jackson and Josh's shoulders got a little burned. Hopefully they heal fast though.