Friday, May 17, 2019

Palm Desert!!!

For Christmas my parents gave all the adults in my family a trip to Palm Desert, California!  Parker and I had never been there so we were super week with no kids!  

We had two, two bedroom/two bathroom villas so each couple had their own room and bathroom which was perfect.  We shared a villa with Dana and Tim (who are now engaged!).  I walked into our room and died laughing because, just like home, there's a frieken FOOTBALL on my bed!  Parker says, never leave home without a football...

 Our villa was so nice!
 Our view from the deck...

 My view from the gym...

 We ate out every night and liked everywhere we went!
 These little duck families were all over the resort!  So stinkin cute...

 Sitting out on the deck enjoying a beautiful evening...
  Hiking Indian Canyon...

 We went on the world's largest rotating aerial tram ride that goes from Coachella Valley to the top of San Jacinto Peak, it was really cool!

We spent a LOT of time playing volleyball, it'd always start out just my family then people from the resort would start joining in. Every day when we'd get there people would be like, we've been waiting for you guys to come so we could play!  Parker played exceptionally well, he IS a Morrill after all!  

We were super hungry one night and couldn't decide whether to get breakfast or dinner so...we got both!  Parker even had a plate on his lap!  Needless to say, my pants were a bit snug after this trip! 

Me and my beautiful sisters! 
We had SUCH a fabulous week!  Weather was perfect every single day, our resort was gorgeous, no kids was glorious, and I loved being with my family.  Thank you SO much mom and dad!!! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Boys go to Moab!

While we were in California my always wonderful mother in law took great care of my boys for us.  She held the fort down for the week getting them to school, helping with homework and projects, feeding them, and driving them wherever they need to go.  They also had time for some fun...

 Friday they got to skip school and head down to Moab!  The hotel had an awesome pool but the heater was broken so they were cold but still had fun! 
 Luckily the hot tub worked! 
 Off to the Arches!

 Josh LOVES hotel breakfasts and always eats SO healthy (not)...
The last day the heater was fixed so they got a late checkout and swam...

 These two are so amazing and selfless.  Every year they do an end of tax season getaway just the two of them because Bart works SO many crazy hours during tax season.  This year they took the boys with them since we were in California!  SO sweet! 
The boys SO enjoyed this trip, Josh kept saying "it's a kid's dream mommy!" and Jack kept asking, "PROMISE me you'll take us there again?"  So glad they were able to experience the beauty of  Arches National Park with their grandparents!  Lucky boys!