I've never been a big fan of Valentine's Day but my boys were excited about it so I tried to make it special for them. Yesterday we made heart sugar cookies and frosted them. Please don't ask me how many I've eaten. They are SO yummy!
Jackson only wanted to frost a few then he just wanted to do the sprinkles...

Josh took a lot of time on his...

Then we gave them their Valentine's surprises early because Parker is working late tonight and he wanted to see them get their stuff...

They each got a transformer/robot thing (I'm stil getting the hang of boys toys) which they absolutely LOVED...

And they got a new movie...

Grandma Morrill sent each of the boys a Valentine's Day card with $10 in it. Josh was SO excited. "That means I can buy TEN things at the dollar store!" Haha, smart boy. Jack was super excited about his card because on it it said, "grandson you are the coolest" so Jackson said, "Mommy does that mean that I'm KEWL?" He's really into what's "kewl" these days so good job on the card mom!

Tycee was sure excited about all the candy...

Playing with their transformers...

Then they set up their Criss Cross Crash race tracks that they got for Christmas (but we just barely found cars for) and the transformers and Woody watched the races...

This morning I woke up to this from my sweet husband...

And this from my sweet Jackson (hidden in the jammie drawer)...

And this from my sweet Josh (in the pants drawer)...

And I got a sick baby from Tycee. Poor guy woke up burning up with a fever, cough, runny nose, you name it. How sad does he look???

This morning the boys were SO excited to hand out their Valentines to their friends...

After preschool Jackson showed me his favorite Valentine that he got from his friend Emily...

Now they're all eating lunch and then it's nap time for poor sick Tyce and the boys get to watch their new movie. Not sure what Parker and I will do tonight, he'll be home late so who knows. Maybe takeout and a movie? Happy Valentine's Day!