Oh love day! This has been a rough one for the twins with all the 6th grade drama. The girl they like (yes, they both like the same girl!) doesn't like them which makes them pretty bummed. However, they both have had quite a few girls ask them to "be their Valentine" and they are so sweet because they don't want to hurt the girls' feelings but they don't want to be their Valentine! They've been saying things like "I'll think about it" or "ask me again later." Hahaha. They came home from school with love notes from a few girls too, cracks me up how forward girls are at this age! It's interesting to see it from the boys perspective, since I'm a girl and had all sisters growing up I've never seen this stuff from the MALE viewpoint! Mama bear is definitely coming out and I want to say go away to all the girls, haha.
They each made their own Valentine's boxes...
Tyce reused his from last year, parenting win...
Tyce made a special Valentine for the girl he likes. He was pretty bummed when I saw him that day at school (I was in his classroom teaching Jr. Achievement) because another boy in his class gave the same girl a big teddy bear and chocolates so he felt like his Valentine wasn't as good. I said don't worry about it Tyce, you can win her over with your big brown eyes! To which he replied, and because I'm so smart. Hahaha, so humble that kid...
After school we had our annual Valentine's Day scavenger hunt! Here's their clues, some were easy and some they really struggled with...
And new clothes from Old Navy...
This clue stumped them...
Josh shot Jackson in the back with his air soft gun when they were in Josh's room waiting for me to set up. He thought it was pretty cool...
Last surprise...
Basketball laundry hampers!

Tyce's new outfit...
That night we headed down to Lehi to meet up with Grandpa Morrill to get goody bags from him and Grandma Morrill. The boys loved his modern office and wanted me to take pictures of them "acting like Grandpa Morrill"...
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!