Came home from work to these three snuggle bugs...
Hahaha, this is a good place for my leg...
On May 2nd we went to my grandpa's grave to celebrate him-he's been gone for three years which seems crazy to me. I thought this was a funny action shot my niece took of my sisters and I, love all our facial expressions. Lindsay was playing with the balloon, I was chastising her, and Dana was laughing...
So glad my sisters, cousins, uncle, and grandma could all be together and thinking of our sweet grandpa who we miss so much...
I always get so into the games I forget to take pictures or videos but I managed to snap one at his last game...
Cindo de Mayo! I, of course, had no fun plans for the day but Grandma and Grandpa Morrill came out and brought a PINATA! Hitting something as hard as you want with a baseball bat and then getting tons of candy?? What more could my boys want?! After that we met Christine and all went out to MEXICAN for dinner! It was a fun afternoon/evening and I love when Morrills are in town!
Tyce used his own money to buy some fins for swimming, he was SO excited when they were delivered.
Josh hard at work on the playroom! They're doing half Oregon Duck theme and half BYU Cougars theme which will be fun.
Making beds with Luna and Chester around is NEVER easy!
What mom? Just hanging out under the sheets...
Took Josh summer clothes shopping! It's his second favorite day of the year, his favorite being SCHOOL clothes shopping because he loves jackets and sweatshirts, haha.
He couldn't decide between two pairs of shoes, they were $60 each so I told him I'd only pay for one. He used his own money for the other pair! This kid loves fashion!
Speaking of fashion...apparently when it's really bright and you're too short for the sun shade to help you wear TWO pair of sunglasses...
The other day I told Tyce it was time to come in for bedtime and he was kinda snotty about it. Later that night, when I thought he was asleep, he brought this in to me...
New clothes!!!
Hahaha, Tyce empties the dishwasher every morning usually before everyone else gets up or I get back from the gym. We came out the other morning and Tyce had found a spoon with a tiny spot of rust so he stuck this note on it, hahaha...
Rainy day=games with friends!
Again, I've been so bad at taking pictures during their games but here's halftime...
Pre Mother's Day dinner with my sisters, mom, and grandma!!!
My parents dressed matching so we HAD to mock them and take a picture for future mocking...
Mother's Day! Love when my boys try so hard to make me feel special...
Tyce wrote me a poem...
Then it was Jack's turn for summer clothes shopping!
We had a HILARIOUS time together and had to document this one particular incident. Jack needed a a size 12 and they only had 16s out BUT the mannequin was wearing a 12! So I'm like, I'll just pull them off him. Well...easier said than done. I accidentally pulled his arm off, knocked him over, and STILL couldn't get the dang shorts off. We ended up having to ask for help but Jack was laughing so hard it was hilarious.
His loot...
It was cute, we were walking by dress stores and jewelry stores and I mentioned how I won't be going into THOSE stores since I don't have any daughters! Jack ran over to this display thing and said, "now you do!" Haha, love this kid...
More loot...
And he chose Smashburger for dinner! Mostly because he loves their vanilla milkshakes.
While I don't really enjoy shopping or spending money I so look forward to these times with my boys. It's become a tradition every summer and fall, go shopping with mommy by yourself then you get to pick where we go get dinner. I remember very well my shopping trips with my mom growing up and, despite how much we fought in high school, I ALWAYS enjoyed our shopping trips and remember her and I having so much fun together. Hopefully my boys will feel the same.
End of May is busy with all the end of school year stuff so stay tuned!!!