Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!!

Happy Father's Day to all the men in my life! I feel so blessed today because I am so lucky to have an amazing grandpa, father in law, dad, and husband!

*Happy Father's Day Grandpa Bybee!

I know he's not my father but I know that he was and is a wonderful father to my mom and he has been a wonderful grandpa to me and my sisters. He is extremely active, working out every day and could kick my butt! He treats my grandma so well and is a good example of hard work, devotion, and love. He is different than most grandpas, he's very "with the times" and is very interested and involved in his grandkids lives. My favorite thing about my grandpa is his huge hugs and wet kisses. My favorite memory of my grandpa is him calling us for our birthdays and singing us Happy Birthday. For those of you who don't know, he is 100% off key but sings his heart out and we all love it. My grandpa battled severe lung cancer and beat the odds. He is currently battling prostate cancer and is tough as ever. I love you so much Grandpa and thank you for being such an inspiration to our family.

This picture always brings tears to me eyes, because my grandpa was very sick with lung cancer and we didn't know what would happen to him...

My grandpa, the avid BYU football fan...

*Happy Father's Day Bart!

I am so grateful that my husband came from a home where he had Bart as an example of what a father and husband should be. Bart is a very devoted father, never missing a sporting event and always being there to cheer on his kids. He is also a very hard worker, he works CRAZY hours during tax season so he can provide (and spoil sometimes) his family. On top of it all, he's a wonderful husband to Michelle. I've never seen them argue and he treats her so well. My favorite thing about Bart is that, despite our differences, he accepts me as his daughter and loves me. My favorite memory of Bart is him falling asleep, on the floor, all the time! It cracks me up. Happy Father's Day Bart! I love you! (This is the only picture I have of him! Not the best pic, but look how cozy Jack is with Grandpa Morrill!)

*Happy Father's Day Dad!

This could be a lengthy one, but don't worry I'll cut it short. =) For those of you who know me or my dad you know how absolutely amazing my dad is. Him and I have a very special and unique relationship and we always have. Growing up I knew my dad was always there for me whether I needed a hug, a tampon at school, or a phone call while at college after a guy broke my heart. He has always been there for me when no one else was and for that I am grateful. My dad is really truly everything I want in a man and poor Parker had a HIGH standard to live up to. =) My dad is an amazing dad, husband, provider, patriarch, and friend. My favorite thing about my dad is his ability to make friends with anyone and to make everyone laugh. My favorite memory of my dad is when he took all us girls camping and we slept overnight in the boat-we had so much fun and thought it was SO cool to sleep on the lake! I love you so much dad, and Happy Father's Day!
My dad and his purse...

*Happy Father's Day Parker!!!

Where do I start? Well, he has definitely lived up to my expectations! =) I think back to Father's Day 2 years ago and Parker was in the NICU at the hospital holding both the boys on his chest while they were attached to a million tubes, cords, and wires. We are so grateful that is over! Parker is my everything and I could not ask for anything more. He is the perfect dad for Jackson and Josh and the perfect husband for me. Everyday he amazes me more by working harder, being even more sweet to me, or being even more patient with the twins. He is always thinking of me and the boys and never of himself. He is fun to be with and I love having deep conversations with him. He has so much to be proud of yet he is so humble. I love you Parker, and Happy Father's Day!!!

For those who didn't know, we were short on cash so Parker took some shifts at the Great Harvest in Provo, making the sweets in the morning! How cute is he!? =)

Here's his pic for the HOA website...he's gonna hate me for putting this up.

My honey the quarterback...



Acker Family said...

such a sweet post to the men in your life!

JP said...

What a great idea to post for Father's Day. I couldn't agree more about the wonderful men in your life, and I'm happy to share two of my main men with you (Dad and Parker). Don't worry, I'll save lots of time for you and Cole when you get back in August! I already can't wait to see you guys, I miss those boys (and you both of course) so much. I hope they like their cousin Cole!

Justina Selim said...

Love the great harvest photo, what a sweetie! Hope you guys had a nice Fathers Day!

Palmer Family said...

Jenn this was the sweetest post it totally made me all teary reading it!