My parents brought the twins' Christmas presents with them when they came for Thanksgiving. Since then they've been sitting underneath the tree. The boys have been surprisingly patient waiting to open them. In fact they've had LOADS of fun just playing with the wrapped boxes, haha. Anyways, we didn't want to lug the presents to and from Utah so we let them open them on Saturday. They were SO excited! They got lots of trains and cool tracks! Thank you mom and dad, I have trains ALL over my house! =)
Here's Joshy showing off two of his trains...

Here's Jackson's trains...

Don't be deceived, this is only PART of it all...there's a whole nother set of tracks and a TON more trains but "they were sleeping and don't want to take a picture." Hahaha, of course.

Why is Jack all dressed and Josh is still in his jammies? Well every morning Josh carries Tyce's formula downstairs and Jack carries the bottle downstairs (I keep it up there for night feedings). This morning Jack had his hands full of trains (of course) so he thought it'd be smart to put it down inside his jammies to carry it downstairs. Well, I guess he forgot about it and went off playing. Later he came in bawling because it had spilled all over inside his jammies and he was all wet with formula. Hahahaha, it was hilarious.
Well I'm off to Tyce's 4 month appointment! Update to come!
hahahaha jackson!!!
SIX more days!! Christmas in Utah! The trains are so cute - they will just be celebrating Christmas for two weeks!! How fun!
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