I know you have all been waiting on the EDGE of your seats for part 2 so here goes...
Wednesday night we picked up Parker from the airport and drove out to Neola for Christmas. As soon as we walked in the house it felt SO much more like Christmas. Michelle goes all out decorating her house, playing christmas music, and goodies all over. We were all so excited to be there for Christmas. We were also so excited to see everyone (except Jackie, Tyler, and Cole were in Oregon this year-we missed them!). The boys, needless to say, were spoiled rotten all week. Jackson and "Kersteen" were attached at the hip the whole time-for some reason Jackson is extremely attached to Christine, it's really cute. WARNING: lots and lots of pics to follow...
Here they are getting ready to go sledding behind the 4 wheeler...

They thought this Santa that climbed up the ladder was so cool but it was hard for them to keep their hands off it...

Ready to go sledding! They were so brave and loved falling out on the "big jumps"...

The crazy drivers Christine and Tegan...

Grandma and Tycee, it was so nice that mom can sit down and hold him now that her back is better! Yay!

Christmas Eve they got to open one present, a pirate ship from Grandma and Grandpa Morrill, they loved it!

When Jackson wasn't hanging on Christine, she was able to hold Tyceroo...

Joseph and Mary for the nativity (yes, Jack is Mary and yes, he is wearing lipstick)...

Bart-donkey, Christine and Tegan-wise men, Mom and Shane-angels, Parker-shepard, Tyce-baby Jesus, me-narrator

New Christmas jammies from Grandma Morrill...

Their Santa present, a firehouse...

All of us ready to come down for Christmas morning...

I love Joshy's face here, he was SO excited...

Tyce's santa present...

Josh has been asking for a "ellow dump truck" for months now. Auntie Christine got him one and he was SOO excited, favorite present hands down...

New cowboy boots from Grandma and Grandpa Morrill...

My favorite present that the boys got, scrapbooks of our summer in Neola called "Summer with Grandma." They made me cry, I miss being close to the Morrills so much. We had so many good times together. The boys will treasure those books, thanks mom!

Christine got Tyce a cute toy that he can play with on his high chair, he is Mr. Happy now that he is on solid foods...

Beautiful Auntie Christine and adorable Tycee in his new outfit...

Mommy and Tyce...

How cute are these cowboys?

Decent family picture...

Christine and I have a hard time getting a cute pic together for some reason...

Cute cowboy watching Polar Express...

It was sad for Jack and Christine to say goodbye, they had a fun time together...ok, it wasn't just sad for Jackson, I cried too =(

It was the perfect Christmas for our family this year. Thanks again to mom and dad Morrill for flying us out there and for making our Christmas so special. LOVE YOU ALL!!
Yes, so much fun without us! Just want to remind you, you can't guilt trip us - you guys are the ones that are off schedule here! :) We'll be there next year, how about you guys?? I'm so glad you guys had a great time. Miss and love you!
I LOVE these pics Jenn! I was in a lot of them, haha sorry! But I guess it was because I couldn't get enough of you guys while you were here and I was always around! I'm SO glad you came here for Christmas I've missed you! I am going to keep up with my blog now just for you :) Love you sis!
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