I had a great day today. I had dreams of sleeping in really late but, for some reason, woke up at 7am and couldn't go back to sleep! I think I was really wanting to spend time with my family before I leave tomorrow for a week. Anyways, Parker made me a delicious breakfast (not of egg whites and protein shakes) and then I went and got my hair cut and ran some errands. Then I came home and took a short nap and did some laundry for my trip. Then we went to dinner with our friends Troy and Denise who have been gone all summer so it was SO fun to hang out with them again. Then we went to Baskin Robins to get my FAV ice cream (prailines and creme). Our neighbor girl Jadeh babysat the boys for us which was so nice! Thanks Jadeh! All in all it was a great day. Now it's almost 9pm, my flight leaves in less than 12 hours, and I haven't even started packing! Oh well, I only have to pack for MYSELF! How weird. Here are some pics from today...
I don't know how to pose but here I am...

You can barely see my new Lia Sophia earrings that Jackson gave me but I love them! Parker also got me a necklace and Joshy got me some Charleston Chews! Yum!

Putting all 27 candles on mommy's cake...


Cute guys...

We had Jadeh take a quick picture of us before she left...

While we were getting our picture taken on the couch the boys were over here licking the frosting off the top of the cake, haha...

Well I'm off to pack. I'll update my blog when I get back next week. I'm looking forward to a relaxing week with my sister and my mom. We're also going to drive to Utah on Friday and go to the first BYU football game of the season on Saturday! Yay! Go cougars! =) Parker is planning on taking the boys to the zoo, waterpark, and on a train ride. I hope he survives his week as a mommy! I am so lucky to have a husband who is willing to take over for me so I can enjoy some time away. I love you babe! Gosh, I miss him already...
Happy Birthday. You look awesome! Have a fun trip.
U look AMAZING! You are one pretty mama Jenn! Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful time with your fam! Miss u!
oh my you are beautiful (is it possible to be more beautiful?) I don't know, anyway, congratulations for toughing it out. Wish I could do that - I get about two weeks then give in. Hope you are having fun in Oregon. Love you!
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