So while Jenn was away for a week, I had the boys. I tried to do some fun things with them and make the most of my week off. I think we had a pretty good time and it was good to spend a lot of time with the boys. I learned first hand what my sweetheart has to deal with everyday and I appreciate her effort in raising our boys so much!
To get the week started, I took them to the waterpark near our house. It's perfect for little kids and they had a lot of fun. The weather was perfect! Jenn was a little jealous of our weather because she was the one who wanted to sit by the pool all week. It was quite a bit warmer here than it was in Oregon (mostly 90's all week). Here are the boys eating their lunch:

Tyce thought he was tough stuff riding this turtle:
The twins had a ball doing everything they could there. Tyce was good too. He found one slide he liked and went on it over and over. He was pretty brave considering it went pretty fast for someone his size and it was all I could do to hang on to his arm as he flew down into the water. I had to get all the boys up on the turtle for a shot:
The next day I went in to work and dropped the boys off with some friends who were amazing to watch our kids for the day. They had a lot of fun and were exhausted when I picked them up. I made a calendar with everything that we wanted to do for the week. It helped the boys get excited about the week and countdown the days till Mommy comes home.
So the next thing we had slated was as trip to the zoo. It was the hottest day of the week and very humid. We were there about 10 minutes and everyone was tired, hungry, hot and needed to go potty. I thought it was going to be a miserable day, but luckily I was smart enought to pack a full cooler that gave us plenty of food, drinks, and ice for the day. When we finally got started, everyone adjusted to the conditions, and we started to take a look around.
They loved chasing pigeons...
It was nice to find a hidden away prairie dog playland in the shade.
The cows were their favorite animals, I guess it's in their blood.
I found another shaded play area that they loved, a big pizza.
Here's Tyce crawling through an olive.
More random fun at the National Zoo.
Of course, that much heat and traipsing around can lead to a melt down or two.
A nice thing we found at the zoo were the mist sprayers. A much needed amenity for the heat.
I had to take a break the day after going to the zoo and we just stayed home. The next day, I was getting cabin fever already and was excited to get out and go to Lake Anna State Park, just an hour South of us. Jenn has blogged about that place before.
Jack said he was a prince in his sand castle. I think he makes a handsome prince ;)
The next to last day of Jenn's absence was Saturday. The BYU football game was on and we went to a friend's house to watch the game. The boys did their best to cheer on the Cougars!
We also found time to go to a park that day where the boys acted like monkeys. We had a bit of a problem when we couldn't find a potty at the last moment, but luckily I had baby wipes and I helped Jackson make his first bear trap in the woods nearby.
The boys and I were excited to have Jenn come home. The boys helped me make a little welcome sign for her. Too bad she came home after midnight because they wanted to hold it up for her at the airport.
I love Jenn so much and I feel like it was a good experience to be at home for a week and see what it's like to have to clean, do laundry, make dinners, discipline, etc. I missed her terribly and even though we had lots of fun, it is a lot better having her home.
i bet the boys had SO much fun with their daddy. they never get to do stuff like that with parker!!
Dan would kill to spend a week having fun with Shad, consider yourself a lucky guy! I can't believe how big Tyce is, and how grown up the twins are!
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