Thursday, June 19, 2014

Josh's All Star Game

For the third year in a row, Josh got selected to play in the All-Star game with our baseball league.  He was bummed because he wasn't on his regular coach's team but he played great and they won by two!  Here are some pics...

Josh had a really really bad afternoon before the game, extremely grumpy.  His mood carried to the game and this is what he looked like during the awards ceremony, punk...

Tyce and his friend Jesiah, they recently moved into the neighborhood (his brother Miguel is in the picture above) and they have a lot of fun together...
It's been a fun season but I am glad it's over, baseball is very time consuming and I'm ready to get the crap out of my trunk and get the boys back on early bedtime!  Oh..and no more hot dogs and pizza from the snack bar!!!  :) 

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