Friday, September 12, 2014

Grandma Bybee Comes to Visit!

My grandma came to visit me this week!  She has not flown by herself in over twenty years and her and grandpa haven't been apart for more than a day in a very long time so she was a little nervous about the whole thing but she did great! 
Here she is at the airport when I picked her up...
 The boys were all excited to see her AND the huge bag of candy she bought EACH of them!
 She also got them donuts...
 She enjoyed snuggling with Brody...
Tyce reading Clip Clop to her, the book she got for the twins about six years ago that has proved a favorite in our home...
We mostly hung out at home, talked, ran errands, ate, etc but one day we decided to head into DC to go to the top of the Washington Monument, the one touristy thing I had yet to do since moving out here.  It was a beautiful day as far as grandma and I were concerned...we both LOVE gray skies and cool temps and loathe the heat and humidity...

 It was cool to see a bird's eye view of our nation's capital! 

We SO enjoyed our time together, we enjoyed cooking at home together and she treated us to some yummy meals out.  We did a lot of talking and a lot of laughing.  I am so lucky to have such a healthy, active, involved, loving, hip, and sweet grandma in my life.  She is the most complimentary person I have in my life.  Everything I do she compliments me, so this week I was the best wife, cook, mother, housekeeper, granddaughter, driver, navigator, etc.  She makes me feel so good about myself in a way no one else can.  She is almost 80 and you'd never know it.  Her visit flew by and I did not want her to leave but I know one person who sure wanted her home...MY GRANDPA!  Haha, poor guy is such a 50's man and is completely and utterly helpless when it comes to any household duties.  He doesn't even make toast or use a microwave!  He lost four pounds in six days!  Listening to him and my grandma on the phone was like listening to a newlywed couple, "oh Don I miss you too.  Oh honey I know I miss snuggling with you.  Oh Don I'll be home in a couple days you can survive without me."  Haha, seriously too cute.  One night he was going to go out to dinner so he CALLED MY GRANDMA TO FIND OUT WHAT TO ORDER!  She always orders for him at restaurants so he called her, wrote it down, then went out and ordered it.  They crack me up.  Saying goodbye was hard, even though she is so healthy you never really know and I don't have any trips planned to Utah or Oregon to see her so it was hard.  I love you grandma!!!!

As if I didn't miss her enough my little sis sends me this picture last night...

They all went to the BYU game last night to cheer on our Cougars!  Seriously how cute is my grandma and how beautiful is my sister?  Love my family, wish I could be with them more but am grateful for the time I do have with them AND my parents come in three weeks to visit!  Can't wait!!!

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