What am I doing? Yes, I should be packing like a mad woman but I decided to blog instead! I hate packing, I hate moving, I hate cleaning...ahh!!! Anyways, here's an update of our weekend...
Friday afternoon we packed up pretty much the whole house, we had to deliver four loads of furniture to different people in different places and it was quite hectic but we did it! Our condo is mostly empty now, except some cushions in front of the TV, a card table and chairs to eat at, and our blow up beds (of course mine got a hole in it so I will be sleeping on the floor, which I'm thrilled about as you can imagine). Tomorrow we will pack up the rest of our stuff and move in with the Christovs in Reston, VA. Here are some cute pics of the boys "helping" daddy, they had a blast...

After we got the truck loaded we were starving so we went out to dinner with our friends Reza and Shooka who live in our building and Reza and Parker work together. They are SO fun, they always make me laugh and I'm really going to miss them!!!

Saturday morning we left for Pittsburg, PA to drop off Becky's furniture that she let us borrow for the summer. Parker drove the UHAUL and I drove our car with the boys, yes I got the raw end of that deal! It was supposed to be a 4.5 hour drive and it took us 6.5 due to construction, stupid drivers, and stopping to eat. Once we got there though it was SO worth it! We went to dinner at a yummy mexican restaurant and then, of course, out to ice cream. =) That night Becky and I stayed up till 4am talking-and even that was not even close to enough time for us. She is my very best friend and I miss her so much!
Sunday morning we took the boys to the cutest place called Living Treasures, it's a petting zoo with animals ranging from lions, tigers, and bears to goats, bunnies, and guinea pigs and you can feed all the animals and pet lots too! The boys LOVED it!

After the petting zoo we went to lunch then headed back to Virginia, it only took 4 hours this time, yay!!!
Ok, I'm off to pack...feel sorry for me...