Monday, November 25, 2013


Time for a cell phone picture dump!  Here's what we've been up to...
Today is the first cold day we've had since Spring, we've had a beautiful and warm fall here in Virginia and we enjoyed it fully!  I'm pretty sure the boys played outside every single day...
 Jackson lost a tooth...
 And wrote this note to the tooth fairy...
 Tyce had a playdate with his preschool friends...
 Josh got a new bike...

The twins have become quite the little entrepreneurs, really wanting to earn money.  Jackson thought he could sell paper airplanes for $1, haha unfortunately he hasn't had much business.  Josh thought he could make homemade envelopes and sell them for $2 each.  I told him no one would spend $2 on a homemade envelope (made with lined paper even!).  He came home the next day from school BEAMING from ear to ear and pulls out a $5 bill out of his pocket...look mom, I sold two envelopes for $5!  She didn't have $4 and I didn't have change so she just let me keep the $5.  Haha, somewhere I'm sure there's a very upset mom!!!   I am proud of them for their creativity and desire to earn money though. 
 I took Tyce and his friends to McDonalds one day to play and they had a blast...
 I swear these three boys are wrestling all the time.  They're so lucky to have brothers...
I've been the treasurer on the Cougar PTO board for about a year and a half.  It's a lot of work but I feel obligated to volunteer since I'm one of the few stay at home moms in the area.  Last Saturday we had a holiday shop where the kids could come in and buy stuff for the family members while the parents shopped at the vendor fair in a different room.  It was our first year doing it but I think it went well!
We had our last playdate with Krista and Alyssa, they moved to California today and we are going to miss them...

Jack got stuck in the monkey rings, hilarious...

Now we're just getting ready for Thanksgiving, looking forward to my parents coming in about a week, and getting super excited for Christmas!!!! 

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