Friday, February 3, 2017

Disney Cruise Part 4

And, just like that, the cruise was over!  Here we are all being sad (or fish lips if you're Tyce)...

While we waited for the shuttle to take us to our hotel the kids all played SO cute with their new stuffed animals that Grandpa bought them!  Money well spent they have played with them to death!
Lucy got my phone and took some selfies...

 Her chubby cheeks are so much cuter than mine!
 We stayed the last night our of trip at this FABULOUS hotel in Cape Canaveral.  It had a water park, movie theater, arcade, play area, mini golf, you name it!  We had a really fun day there!

 We ordered lunch in and ate at the little kids tables...
 I left my beach bag unsupervised and a squirrel went INTO my bag, pulled out Tyce's M&Ms, bit the edge off, and ate some!
 Tyce and Kate must have been playing with my phone...
 This week was busy and tiring, even though it was vaca.  We were up early every morning and up late every night.  When we got checked into our room at the hotel Josh just crashed on the floor...
 We got a beach room so the tram took us to and from the room to the main lodge area...

Our ship sailed right by us!  We were all sad we weren't on it...
 We were able to walk out on the beach that night and watch NASA launch a rocket!

 It was cooler in person, haha...

 The kids were all way more interested in playing in the sand...

The next morning our shuttle came to pick us up and take us to the airport...
 We had lunch in the food court and Parker taught Kate how to use chopsticks...

And one more final beautiful view on our way home...

This week was one to remember forever.  We all made lasting memories and had so many fun experiences.  I loved the time with all my in laws, especially Jackie and her family since they live in Oregon and we don't get to see them as much.  I fell in love with Lucy and she had Auntie Jenn wrapped around her adorable little finger!  Christine's boys were so adorable because everything was so new and they are so easily excited.  I was impressed, relieved, and so happy at how well behaved all the kids were!  I seriously remember very few tears, fits, or disobedience by any of them!  Parker and I really enjoyed the trip because our kids were older and so we and they had more freedom.  The only thing I would change...stay another week!  Huge huge huge massive shout out and thank you to Bart and Michelle, I know it's a sacrifice to take 18 people on a cruise and how lucky we are that you are willing to spend your hard earned money on that.  Jackson said, "someday I'm going to become a millionaire and take GRANDPA on a cruise!"  Hope you live long enough to see that Bart!  I love all of you and thanks for a FABULOUS FANTASTIC AMAZING week together!!!

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