Wednesday we decided to take a break from the lake and head to the local skate park. The kids had fun despite the punk kid that kept teasing Mason and Katie for having mountain bikes at a skate park and getting mad at Emma for having a wiggle car at a skate park. Kids like that bug me SO much!
Dinner at My Father's Place, our favorite place to eat in McCall! Jack and Grandma, the Oregon Duck twinners...
We took over the grass area to eat and play and it was the PERFECT night...
This girl was BEYOND excited about her ice cream cone and sprinkles!
The cousins played till dark out on the grass...
I absolutely LOVE how kids ages 3 to 16 can all play together so well and have so much fun, my boys are so lucky to have such awesome cousins...
Playing games...
Parker skiing...
Tubing with my sisters...
Josh and Olivia knee boarded a lot together...
Lunchtime with daddy...
Tim brought this really cool inflatable paddle board that everyone seemed to enjoy...
Parker and I took Jackson to ice cream alley for a special treat as his reward for biking the entire lake with us. He, of course, gets PLAIN vanilla!!!
When we were getting ready to leave we saw mom, dad, grandma, and Ruby there also!
Blondies snuggling on the couch...
The traditional annual fireplace picture!
Josh, of course, wanted ice cream alley also so we went BACK on Saturday!
Burying Mason in the sand...
All the kiddos eating dinner outside...
All the other kids were outside making smores and Jackson goes, "mommy I just don't know what to do I want to keep holding her because she's so sweet but I really want a smore too! It's such a hard decision!"
Hahaha, Grandpa doing "diving board" which he used to do with me, Dana, and Linds when we were little jumping off the floating dock at Foster Lake!
We rotated sleeping arrangements each night between the four queen beds in the big room. Dana woke up one night to this cuteness...
Oregon duck cousins...
And now for the HIGHLIGHT of the week...GRANDMA AND RUBY GOING TUBING!
They had told us they would go on ONE tube ride, on Saturday, so they could get their hair done Monday morning. Grandma asked me to go with them which, of course, I was thrilled about.
They were absolutely hilarious and had a great time. Grandma kept saying that there are much more fun things to be doing than this, like reading a good book! Ruby was actually quite the dare devil so we ended up having Grandma get out and Dana went with Ruby and I. Ruby wanted to keep going but the boat was pretty much out of gas so we had to be done. They were such good sports and I am SO proud of them for doing it at their age! It was a ride I'll never forget!
Here's the "after" pic...
Sunday morning we packed up to GO HOME which is always such a sad day! We always get a pic on the deck the morning before we leave...

This trip was beyond fabulous. The kids were all so good and everything went so smoothly which is pretty impressive considering we had 20+ people up there! Parker and I were able to spend more time together than in the past because our kids are getting older and much easier. Sweet Jackson was SUCH a good sport! He couldn't do much because of his lip but he made the most of the week anyway. He was able to get splashed just not submerged so he went on easy tube rides, played in the water without getting his head wet, and played inside also. I am so proud of him and his positive attitude. I think he only complained twice all week about it. One time he was on the tube about to go on an easy ride and I just saw one tear roll down his cheek "mommy I just really wish I could do a crazy tube ride." Sweet boy, he will get extra turns next year! The weather was PERFECT, we don't know if we saw a single cloud all week! We ate (a LOT), played games, laughed, relaxed, played in the water and sand, did stuff behind the boat, chatted, did I mention we ate a lot?! I feel so blessed to be part of such a wonderful family that makes an effort to get together and that has so much fun when we do get together. Huge thanks to my parents for paying for the house and jet skis and to Linds and Jason for bringing their boat. I am already looking forward to next year!