Here's Jackson hanging a christmas ball ornament, which by the way was dropped about ten times and never broke!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree
Here's Jackson hanging a christmas ball ornament, which by the way was dropped about ten times and never broke!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving Week...
Cute pic of daddy and Tyce...
Tuesday Parker took a half day and we all went to the Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum. It's like a continuation of the one down at the mall in DC but this one was really close to my house so that was nice. My dad is kinda a nerd about this kind of stuff so he loved it and wanted to spend MUCH more time there but, of course, the boys had other ideas. Haha, sorry dad!
Here is my honey carving the bird for the first time...
Aside from the delicious food we had a nice Thanksgiving. I asked the boys what they were thankful for:
Jackson: "Going potty and Daddy."
Josh: "Mommy."
It was cute. I am thankful for my amazing family, both immediate and extended. I am thankful for Parker's job (as much as I complain about it taking us out here, we are lucky to have a stable job in this economy). I am thankful for my health. I am thankful for the gospel and my knowledge of eternal families. I am thankful that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and watches over me and who is always there for me.
Mom and dad thank you SOOOO much for coming out. We all enjoyed having you and can't wait until February when you come back! LOVE YOU BOTH!!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
New Jammies from Grandma and Grandpa...
They love to cover their eyes while Grandma and Grandpa get their surprises out...
We have had a super fun week with my parents here. They go home tomorrow so I'm going to go spend time with them but I'll post more later!!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Jackson Getting the Newspaper in Daddy's Shoes...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!!!
It was a fun day but it sure wore us all out! Parker is at church right now and I'm home with all the sick kids. Tyce is much better, just the remainder of a stuffy nose and cough. Jackson is probably just at the beginning of it all. Joshy is pretty sick and his poor little voice is so hoarse it's hilarious. Luckily they felt good enough yesterday to have some fun.
MY PARENTS WILL BE HERE IN ONE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Update on the Batman Jammies...
But a cute nerd =)
Tyce had a rough day yesterday, very tired and congested. He just wanted to cuddle on mommy all day (not that I minded). Today he actually seems MUCH happier and has much more energy. He still sounds horribly congested but is acting pretty much normal. Jack and Josh are both congested and coughing but are also happy as can be. Josh also sprained his ankle last night so he's been limping around. =( Lucky for me, all three of my kids are SO good when they're sick!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Goodbye Batman Jammies...
Things around here are fine. All three boys woke up with runny noses (poor Tyce is so congested he literally cannot eat). It's been SO long since the twins have been sick I guess I thought they were invincible! =) But they're still happy as can be so hopefully this is as bad as it gets. On a happy note, MY PARENTS WILL BE HERE IN 10 DAYS!!! I can't wait to spend Thanksgiving with them. =)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Small Blessings...
I think the boys have been sensing my depression lately (which makes me feel awful) so they've really been stepping up the charm. Jackson about 10 times a day will say, "Guess what Mommy? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" Then he'll give me the biggest longest hug ever. It makes me feel so good. Last night Parker was, of course, working late so I was having a hard time getting dinner ready with all the kids needing something and I just broke down and started crying. Josh goes, "Mommy it's too dark right now but tomorrow when the sun comes up I will go outside and get you something pretty to make you happy." So this morning he went out and picked me a flower, it was precious. Also, last night the twins were helping me unload their clothes from the dryer and everything they pulled out they'd say, "Thank you Mommy for washing this! I love this shirt!" or "Thanks Mommy for washing my favorite jammies!" It was a small thing that mean a lot to a stay at home mom. I love my boys so much!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween Fun
Friday night we went to the ward Trunk or Treat, which the boys just loved. It got them warmed up for going trick or treating the next day.
They had a costume parade where the kids walked across the stage, the boys LOVED it and waved so big, haha...