Thursday, November 12, 2009

Goodbye Batman Jammies...

It's a sad day for Jackson, he has officially outgrown his batman pajamas. Parker's mom bought them for him a little over a year ago and he wears them almost every night (lucky for him I do laundry almost every day because of Tyce spitting up so much). There's a cape on back and he loves to sing the Batman song and fly around the house. But he's a growing boy and his little toes are starting to poke out...
Last night this was Josh's prayer: "Heavenly Father, please bless the holes in Jack's jammies to get better so nothing can crawl into his toes and hurt him. I will put my shoes on and run and scare them away so they don't hurt Jack's toes." Hahahahaha, Parker and I had to try so hard to not laugh because it was so cute and thoughtful of Josh. I am considering cutting the feet off so he can still wear them, but those of you that know Jackson know that he could very well go to pieces if that is not what he wanted. I don't know if it's worth the risk. We'll see.

Things around here are fine. All three boys woke up with runny noses (poor Tyce is so congested he literally cannot eat). It's been SO long since the twins have been sick I guess I thought they were invincible! =) But they're still happy as can be so hopefully this is as bad as it gets. On a happy note, MY PARENTS WILL BE HERE IN 10 DAYS!!! I can't wait to spend Thanksgiving with them. =)


Lindsay said...

hahahaha so cute! i pick you up at the airport in 38 days!! woohoo!!

Justina Selim said...

Haha, I love his little toes sticking out! Those are some way cool jammies! I'm so glad u get to have family for Thxgiving!

Mikaela said...

Totally remember Brenda cutting the feet off pajamas, I figure if he can't wear them with the feet then might as well risk him not liking the fact you cut them off since he won't be able to wear them regardless. Just a thought, but I have never seen him fall to pieces. . . . PS my secret word was "raing" haha kind of like raining, fitting for a couple of Oregon girls.