Tyce with all his presents...
Tyce had his 1 year check up this week and his height is in the 90%, head in the 90%, and weight in the 50%. He is walking around like a champ now and is eating all table food now (with the exception of one bottle at night which we'll do until our formula runs out). He has been a very happy boy the past couple weeks, I think because he loves regular food and loves to walk around. Cute things he does, folds his arms for prayer, gives kisses and hugs, plays peek a boo, plays catch, dances, says ma-ma and da-da, still adores his brothers, and brings me food from the pantry when he's hungry. I'm hoping he has turned a corner, he was a difficult baby but now is such a joy! I love you Tyce!!!
that picture of him smiling at his candle is the cutest. he is definitely a barraclough to get that excited about food.
Crazy he is a year old already! I can't believe it's been that long since I have seen you! Happy Bday to tyce! He is so cute! Glad he is being better for you! Your vacation looked like so much fun! I'm glad you got to go and do all that!
Ok he could be twins with Josh, holy smokes! So cute! And where did the time go!? I can't believe he's one already! And you... Jen you look so good!!! (I flipped through your other blog posts). Good for you! :)
Happy Birthday, Tyce! :) It's so nice to see him smile like that. He looks so excited to open his presents and eat his banana bread! :D
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