Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Miracle of the Lost Keys...

Last Thursday Lindsay and I took the boys on a walk through the forest by their future elementary school. It's a very pretty walk with the leaves changing and falling. We got about three quarters through the trail when I realize my car keys have fallen out of my pocket. This caused me great panic because we only have ONE set of keys (Parker accidentally threw our other set away and we haven't been able to pay the $200 to get a new set). We turned right around and back tracked our steps, kicking the piles of leaves aside hoping to find them. About halfway through we stopped and I said a prayer, asking Heavenly Father to help us find my keys so we could get home before it got cold and dark. We finished retracing our steps and still had not found them. We decided to start over again. We got about halfway through and Jackson says, "maybe we should say a SECOND prayer mommy." Lindsay was a little bit behind us so I asked Jackson to say it and he said a sweet and simple prayer: "Heavenly Father, please bless us to find our keys, thankful for our blessings, please bless us to find our keys, thankful for our blessings, please bless Lindsay to help us find our keys." Not five seconds after he said amen, we looked behind us and Lindsay was holding up my keys. She had found them in an area that we had most definitely searched before. It was such an amazing experience. I was so hoping for this teaching moment for the twins. I took the chance to explain to them about prayers and how Heavenly Father listens and answers our prayers. The spirit was so strong and Linds and I both had tears in our eyes. Coincidence? No way. It was Heavenly Father's answer to Jackson's faith filled prayer. I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father and his love for me. I am grateful that, while there are people all over the world who have challenges beyond my imagination, he still cares, listens, and answers me and my little children. I am grateful for the faith and prayer of my little 4 year old son who helped us find our keys so we didn't have to walk home in the cold and dark.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Such a sweet story Jenn--
And what a great mom you are to recognize such a powerful teaching moment.