Sunday, June 8, 2014

Jackson's First Piano Recital...Attempt...

Jackson had his first piano recital on Saturday after taking piano lessons for about three months.  It was at a retirement home which I think is a fabulous idea because there is a built in audience who LOVE to be entertained by cute little kids all dressed up!  Poor Jack, he was worried about it all day...even calling his teacher asking her what to wear, how to bow, what order he was going in, etc.  I could tell he was nervous but also excited. 

Here he is waiting for his turn...

 He sat down to play...
And started BAWLING!  It was so sad!  His shoulders were shaking and he was sobbing.  He was so embarrassed and got complete stage fright.
 Parker had the idea to take him out in the foyer and let him play there...

Once he had played his songs a few times he decided to go back in the performance room and play.  By that time about three quarters of the audience had left but about fifteen people remained...

He played his songs beautifully then, despite having practiced it ALL day, he chickened out on his bow.

On his way out we got a picture of him...

As a born extrovert it is hard for me to understand Jackson's feelings of stage fright but Parker handled him well since they are so alike.  I am proud of him for eventually doing it and am confident that the Christmas recital will be a better experience.  I am so grateful for his patient piano teacher who was so good with him.  My piano teacher would've slapped me in the wrists with a ruler and yelled at me had I acted that way!  I am glad we are giving our children these experiences so they can learn and grow.  Now we are taking a month off of piano and will hit it again hard in August! 

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