Wednesday, December 23, 2015

December Update

We've been busy and having fun this December!

My dad had some business in DC and stayed an extra day to come see us!  It was too short but SO great!  

 These boys sure love their Grandpa!
Tyce reading to Grandpa...
Tyce showing us how much he loves Grandma (arms as wide as he can go).  A funny quote he said a while ago was "and I love Grandpa ZERO...and that means NONE AT ALL!"  They love to tease grandpa...
My dad and I had a yummy brunch before he left...
The boys and I went to see Santa!  Tyce is asking for a globe, the twins want scooters and an ultra t-rex...

We are doing Secret Santas this year in our family and it's been really fun.  We drew names then are supposed to do acts of service for them until Christmas Eve where we will give each other a gift and reveal who has who.  Tyce has Parker (he announced at the dinner table one night when Parker was still at work that "I can talk about MY secret santa because he's not here!" hahahaha) and here he is counting his moneys to get daddy a present.  He spent $20 of his hard earned $22.  Sweet boy...
He decided he loved the secret santa thing so much that he decided to ask his teacher if they could do it in his classroom.  Here he is writing down everyone's names and putting it in a bag to bring to school...
Could Brody get ANY closer to Josh?!  Haha, love it...
Lazy bum Brody being cute in the sun with his paw covering his eyes..
Tyce had his adorable Christmas concert at school, the girl next to him is his new girlfriend Sara (with NO H mommy) and those two were ADORABLE at the concert.  They were flirting non stop and it was hysterical to watch...

We had our annual Morrill/Stathis gift exchange!  It's always much anticipated and they all loved it...
Tyce had Sarah...
Josh and Anna had each other...

Leah had Tyce...
Jackson had Leah...

Sarah had Jackson...
All their loot!  Tyce was bummed because his brothers got a toy and he got a book...
However, he started the book that night and was totally glued to it and finished it in record time...haha clearly he "didn't like it!"
His teacher made them scarves for Christmas and Tyce loves his so much he slept in it!  Is that even safe?!
Tyce put on a puppet show for us, it was hilarious.  My favorite part was in the middle of it when the head without a body suddenly ran into Heavenly Father and Jesus, hahaha love this guy's imagination!
Jakey had his 7th birthday and we all went bowling!
Beautiful Kimberly and I...
The birthday boy...
We had planned on bowling then going somewhere else to eat but we ended up just eating there and they bowled forever and everyone had a great time!
Birthday boy getting spoiled by Jack with a massage...
We noticed that Jackson is almost as tall as Kimberly!!!
All the kiddos, they look so innocent don't they?  Nevermind that they all had knocked over the snow globe behind them prior to the picture...
We finally had time for my FAVORITE Christmas tradition which is making TONS of goodies and caroling.  This year the Gonzalez's joined us and it was super fun.  We went to 12 houses and caroled for two and a half hours.  Unfortunately I totally slacked on pictures!  The only one I took was this one of Tyce and the girls frosting cookies...
And today, it is rainy and the boys have been annoying me so we decided to go bowling...Jack and I got the same size weird...
My boys...


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