Saturday, May 6, 2017

April Updates-Surgery, Trip to Oregon, and More!

I saw this on Facebook and thought it was SO funny and SO true!!!

Before I had my foot surgery Parker wanted to get our TV mounted in our bedroom so him and Josh got to work...

They did a great job!
We also got a new mattress and bed, we really like it and are sleeping much better on it!
Watching some General Conference (notice Josh on the side laying over the heater vent like a cat)...
Speaking of cats...
We had to have a serious talk with Josh about something and when I went in to check on him here he was, curled up in the corner with a stuffed animal, picking his lip (his nervous habit), crying.  It BROKE my heart!  I asked him if he wanted to cuddle me or be left alone and he said, "I want to be alone for a while then come cuddle me."  Love that boy and he is so easy we so so so rarely have to discipline or talk to him about serious things it breaks my heart when we have to...
March Madness is a BIG deal in the Morrill household!  Lots of late nights (with threats of death if they were punks the next morning for school), cheering, excitement, and disappointment!
Jackson won!!!!  
My niece Olivia turned 13!  Here are the kids trying to be as prego as Lindsay...
Cousins wrestling...

Happy 13th Livi!!!
 Josh's class held a Congressional Hearing where each group was given a topic to write an essay on, memorize it, then hold a little debate about it.  It was really well done (Josh's teacher, Ms. Fisher, is beyond amazing in all she does) and Josh prepared well and learned a lot!  Here he is all dressed up for it...

He was on Team Franklin...

 They sang patriotic songs and danced too...
Josh leading the pledge of allegiance...

The mayor came to ask them questions...
Ms. Fisher taught them how to sit, clasp their hands, how to ask for the microphone (by sliding your clasped hands forward on the table), and how to answer the tough questions asked by the mayor and the rest of the panel.  Josh's essay was on equal protection of rights and Brown V Board of Education. I love that he really understands these concepts after this, much more so than he would after reading it in a textbook and doing a worksheet.   We have been so so so happy with Josh's education this year! If all teachers were as good as Ms. Fisher we would have THE BEST generation!!!

Right after the hearing I headed to the hospital for my sesamoidectomy!  Yes, that's a real word.  I had a stress fracture which turned into a non union (break) of my sesamoid bone which is on the bottom of your foot.  It was hurting for over a year and I just couldn't handle it any more.  They open me up, take the bone out, and sew me back up!
I woke up feeling ok, just wanted to go home.  Luckily my parents were in town and were able to take care of me the first day which was SO wonderful!  My mom is a nurse and my dad has had numerous surgeries so they really knew how to take care of me.  
Therse guys kept me company while I was bed ridden post surgery...

Woke up to SNOW end of APRIL!!!!
Before I knew I'd have to have surgery we planned a trip to Oregon for spring break.  Parker's law firm has an office in Bend so he wouldn't have to miss work and the boys and I could stay and play with my parents in Eagle Crest.  Once I found out about the surgery we decided to still have Parker and the boys go so I could recover in peace without having to worry about the boys getting fed, laundry, entertained, etc.  Thank heaven for wonderful neighbors, friends, sisters, and ward members who took great care of me that week. Here they were before they left...
Here's the pics my mom sent me...

She bought them each a new Oregon outfit, needless to say they were thrilled and Jackson wears his every single day that it is clean...

Thursday night they headed to Junction City to stay two nights with Jackie and her family!  The boys were excited to see their Oregon cousins who we don't get to see very often!  They slept in their camper...

Went to a trampoline park...

Then went to Eugene and toured U of O...

Jackson was trying to hurdle these and, well, missed...he was pretty sore...

Voo Doo Doughnuts!!!

 Sure Kate, we'll play dolls!
Josh and Lucy...

Hot tubbin in the backyard!

Just have one more April post then I'll be all caught up!!!!

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