Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Why Parker Is In the Doghouse...
Last night the boys and I got home at about 1am from a long drive home from Logan and I pull into the garage and RIGHT there on the wall, RIGHT where I have to get out of my car, there is a HUGE and I mean HUGE flying beetle!!! There is no way I'm getting out of my car with that waiting to get me so I called Parker and asked him to come kill it for me. He takes his time getting out there and then leaves it there and won't kill it. I hear him mumbling something (cuz I'm still in the car) about it being nailed to the wall and him needing plyers to get it off. I figured he was joking. Eventually, he got his plyers and killed it so I could finally get out of my car...
So TODAY Parker's brother Shane came over for dinner and I was telling him the story and Parker says, "Jenn I DID nail it to the wall!" HE CAME HOME EARLIER, SAW IT, KNEW THAT IT WOULD TERRIFY ME, AND NAILED IT RIGHT WHERE I HAVE TO GET OUT OF MY CAR! Can you believe that? Needless to say, he is in the DOGHOUSE tonight!!!!!
P.S. I know I've been slacking on my posts lately, I have been very sick and hope to find out why tomorrow when the doctor calls!!! So cute pics of the boys to come, I promise!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Child of God
Jackson and Gamma Bybee, who he LOVES now...
The happy newlyweds...
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Josh-"THANK YOU JACK (hands it back to him), WELCOME"
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Parker skiing...SO sexy =)...
Jack giving dad hand pounds after he's done skiing...
Jack holding the rope, "just like daddy"...
Daddy and Jack went tubing and Jack really seemed to like it....
Until they hit a big bump and FLIPPED OUT OF THE TUBE....
My heart seriously stopped I was so scared, but he was ok, he didn't even cry! He's my tough guy....
Mommy and Joshy went tubing too, but WE managed to stay IN the tube...
The lake has this really nice beach area so we spent a lot of time there, eating lunch and letting the boys play in the sand...
How cute is my dad...
Grandpa and Joshy...
The tired family at the end of the day...
Sorry for the millions of pictures but it was a really fun day that we want to remember! Thanks again Pa!!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Baby Cole's Blessing...

Jackie, Tyler, and Cole...
It was so much fun, I love both my families and feel so blessed to be a part of them!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Goodbye Summer...
The boys loved the puppies, they were so cute with them...