Monday, March 9, 2009

Jackson's Hair Cut and Playing in the Snow...

I just couldn't stand it any longer, against the wishes of my husband (sorry babe), I cut Jack's hair. He has cute white blond hair that we were trying to grow long and kinda shaggy but it just wasn't looking good. Plus, every morning he asks me to do spikes in his hair like Joshy which I couldn't do because it was so long! SO...this morning I cut it all off! He was so excited to be, "just like Joshy!" I think he'll like it in the summer too, he won't get quite so hot. Anyways...he's not Mr. Cooperative with the camera but you can get the idea...
Joshy had to get in on the action, he actually held Jackson's hand during his hair cut...
Haha, he looks weird in this picture but at least you can see his hair...

The boys had fun playing in the snow today, they were so cute using their doggy ball throwing sticks to make snow cones!

Nothing too new to report, Parker is trying to get his huge paper done and pass his classes so he can GRADUATE next month. All the while we have to move, haha. No big deal. I have my 20 week doctors appointment on Friday where they do the anatomical ultrasound and all that, hopefully all is well with my little guy!


Lindsay said...

i love it. you failed on making his shirt match his eyes. was he mad??

Justina Selim said...

His haircut looks cute! Those are some handy sticks, haha!

Michelle said...

That last picture of Josh looks like he is up to something! I like Jack's hair - he looks good either way though. Quite the little guys!

JP said...

How fun, playing in the snow! Which pic looks like Cole, one of the snow ones?? Let me know how your appt. goes.

Lindsay said...

the second snow picture of josh looks JUST like cole! that's the first thing i thought of when i saw it! crazy!

Endless Glow by Jenn said...

I love the last picture of them eating snow. Such boys, I love it!