Boring title I know, but really nothing all that exciting has been going on around here! We have decided to move to Neola for the summer, that's the latest. Where is Neola you ask? Middle of nowhere! It's a tiny town about 2 hours east of Provo, towards Vernal for those who know where that is. It's where Parker grew up and where his parents still live. His 94 year old grandma had to move in with Parker's parents so her house is vacant...and it was hard to pass up a free place to stay for 5 months! I have mixed feelings about it, it will be SO fun to be able to spend so much time with my in laws, and I know the boys will love every minute of it. I'm looking forward to Sunday dinners with the fam and girl time with my mother in law. It will also be so nice to have her help with the new baby. And, of course, not having to pay rent will be wonderful. I also met my new doctor out there and really liked him. I was able to tour the OB wing of the hospital and it's brand new and looks like a great place to have my baby! That being said, I'm a little nervous about it all. I've never thought of myself as a small town girl, I'm dreading not having a things to do. I mean there's no mall, Walmart or Target, or many restaurants close by. I am also dreading not having any friends or my sister out there with me. I am not looking forward to the extreme heat of the basin and the house doesn't have air conditioning so I think I'll be a grumpy hot prego lady all summer! Another thing I'm super bummed about is having to leave the Golds gym out here. I have loved that gym and the boys LOVE the daycare there! But, I am hoping it will be a good experience. We're moving out there March 28th! I'm SO sad to leave Lehi and my house!
On a PREGO note...we find out what we're having on TUESDAY!!! How strong am I...I went out to Neola on Friday to check some things out and I had an appt with my new doctor and he did an ultrasound! He could've told me and my mother in law what it was but Parker wasn't with me so I told him not to tell me yet! AH! It was so hard! But we'll know soon enough. Here is the ever asked for belly shot...I'm 18 weeks...
yay for tomorrow!!!!
No you can't leave us!! J/k I am glad you found a cheap place to live. So what will Parker do for school in April? That is quite the drive! Your belly looks so cute! I can't wait to know what you are having!
You are soo cute! And tiny! You look great for 18 weeks. I can't believe you find out TODAY! Can't wait to hear what it is!
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