Jackson is a very sweet and sensitive boy. He is very compassionate and worried about people's feelings. He can sense when I am having a hard day and turns on the sweetness big time. He will just walk up to me, wrap his arms around my neck, and say "I LOVE YOU MOMMY!" It melts my heart. He is always worried about how someone is feeling, "Mommy are they sad? Are they mad? Why are they crying?" He is also sensitive about us teasing him. When Parker or I laugh at something he does he gets easily embarassed. Poor Jackson has a hard time with coordination and is constantly tripping, falling, getting hurt, spilling something, etc. We have to be careful not make him feel bad about himself when that happens because he is starting to feel embarassed when he does those things. Jackson also has quite the imagination. He plays the funniest games and he usually comes up with the ideas for what he and Josh play. He also has an imaginary friend, Cally, who has brown skin and blue eyes. He talks about her all the time, it cracks me up.
Jackson loves his brothers too, especially Tyce. He is always looking for ways to help me with Tyce and is so concerned when he cries. He'll always just walk up to him and give him hugs and kisses and talk baby talk to him like he hears me do. He loves to list all the things he will teach Tyce, "I will learn him to walk, I will learn him to say MOMMY COME WIPE ME, I will learn him to play games, I will learn him to eat his cereal all gone," etc. It's so cute. He also loves Joshy but is subtly bossy and in control. Pretty much what Jack says goes. Josh seems ok with it so I think it works for them.
Jackson is a good eater but is distracted by Josh who won't eat. If Jackson was alone he would eat great. He does have a much bigger appetite than Josh and sometimes eats double what Josh does. Jackson is a DRAMA KING and throws the biggest fits over the littlest things. He is very OCD so if something isn't just how he wants it he goes to pieces. The other night he sat up in his room by himself for almost an hour looking through his sock drawer trying to find a pair of socks that apparently has this microscopic blue line in between the gray toe and the white sock. Never in a million years would I have noticed that. If he can't get his shirt on the right way or if his granola bar breaks in half he will just bawl. It is very frustrating for Parker and I and we are hoping he will outgrow it.
Jackson also loves to help daddy get dressed after work. He loves to help him pick out his clothes and loves pulling off daddy's belt. He also really looks forward to his time with daddy at bedtime. After we say family prayers, Parker reads them two stories then sings them a few songs. After that is all done, Parker tries to leave and Jackson says, "daddy, cuddle me lots of times." Needless to say, Parker cannot say no to that so he lays down next to Jack and Jackson wraps his arm around Parker's neck and gets as close to him as he can and then falls asleep. It is precious and I know it's Parker's favorite part of the night.
I love my Jackson so much. I have always called him mommy's little angel and that is what he is to me. He brings a special spirit into our home that I am grateful for. I feel so blessed to have him in my life and I hope the hugs and I Love Yous never stop.
i miss this guy too.
p.s. you need to add tyce's name to the top of your blog!!
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