This morning Jackson had a lesion on his face removed. Since he's so young they had to put him under anesethic so he wouldn't move. The procedure was fairly simple, it's just always scary putting a child under. We got there bright and early at 6am and Jack was in a GREAT mood...
Here's a pic of the lesion...

Here he is coloring in the waiting room...

He was pouting because HE wanted to take a picture...

So I let him take one of me (NOT going to post that one, haha) and then he was happy again...

The surgery went well. He was the cutest guy before he went back. All the doctors and nurses loved him. They let me go back to the OR while they put him to sleep, then I left. When I came back after they were done Jackson was seriously freaking out. He was screaming, kicking his legs, banging his head against the bed rails, scratching his face and neck, you name it. It was kinda scary. He didn't like the bandaid on his face, haha. The IV in his arm didn't bother him. The little bandaid on his face, no way. He went crazy for about 15 minutes and then started begging to go home. Luckily they got us out of there fast and he calmed down soon after we got home. Here he is laying on the couch watching Curious George...

A couple hours later he was completely fine and is currently downstairs playing in the garage with his brothers while Parker works on the broken garage door. I'm glad it's over and hope the scar on his face isn't too bad when it's all healed. I was very happy with the hospital and the staff, they made it a good experience for us.
In other news...LINDSAY COMES IN TWO DAYS!!! We're all so excited to have her come stay with us for a week!
Glad he is okay. Sorry he had a hard time coming out, he is so cute...I wish we lived closer ayda need some cute boys around.
uh he is too cute. that picture of him in his green hospital outfit is hilarious. i get to see him tomorrow!!!
Hey Jen! Taison had something like that in the same spot and had a little surgery too. Strange coincedence.
Poor little guy! Glad that's over and all went well. How's he feeling now? Hope you're having a great time with Lindsay, anytime you want to fly me over there to hang out I am game! love you all.
What a brave little man! Glad it went well! Miss u!
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