Thursday, May 30, 2013

1st Grade Field Trip

Today I chaperoned the twins' 1st grade field trip to Cows 'N Corn, a dairy farm about 40 minutes away.  To be honest, I wasn't super excited about walking around a farm in 90 degree humid weather with a million 1st graders but Jackson and Josh really wanted me to go and it was fun watching them interact with their classmates. 
On the way to the bus I asked each boy if they wanted to sit with me or with their friends...
Josh chose me...
 Jack chose his friends...

 Playing on the little playground...

 On the hayride...

I learned a couple things about them today in talking with their teacher and classmates.  First off, they are both very advanced in their reading.  Josh is also advanced in his math.  Second, Jackson is by far the more outgoing one.  Third, at least three girls in Josh's clasas have a crush on Josh.  How do I know that?  They came up to me..."Are you Josh's mom??  I have SO many questions for you!  I totally have a crush on Josh.  Did you know he is SO cute?  What's his middle name?  Why doesn't Josh talk to me?  Does he like me?  What does Josh eat for breakfast?"  Hahaha, growing up with all sisters and being a girl myself it's very interesting to be on this end of the whole "crush" thing.  Josh is oblivious to all this, which is fine by me.  Girls are so much farther ahead of boys socially and emotionally it's crazy!  I noticed my mother hen coming out though, gosh girls leave my little Joshy alone!!  Two of the girls were always trying to hug him and sit by him and I could tell he was super annoyed but was such a good sport, he'd just roll his eyes and carry on.  Words of advice for anyone who wants to win Josh over: he's not the touchy feely type!!!  I also learned that, despite being 6 and 7, most of the kids STILL don't understand what twins are and I had to explain at least five times how and why Jackson and Josh are the same age.  Lastly, I was reminded how much I detest summers here in Virginia.  It is humid and it is hot and I am miserable.  Thank heaven for our pool and thank heaven for air conditioning and a husband that lets me crank it even if it costs us $300/month!

Today was also my Grandpa Barraclough's funeral...I'm going to gather pictures from my family and will do a post on that next. 

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