Here's the prego lady...don't worry, that's not her baby on her lap! Jackie has had a great pregnancy and looks SO cute!
How cute is my niece Abbi!? Her and Tegan (Parker's little sister) love to play together so she came to the shower too. She couldn't believe all the food on the table was "free" and she could have all she wanted! Haha, so precious.
Here are the Morrill girls! Jackie, Christine, me, Mom, and Tegan-aren't I lucky to have married into such a beautiful family!?
Here's my sister, her son Mason, and me. Dana was mad because she didn't have any make up on, but she still looks beautiful!
Christine and I can never seem to get a good picture together...this one isn't too bad...
Can you tell I love Livi?
It was quite the sight! Grandpa Morrill bought everyone camo shirts, the boys got camo overalls and pop guns (which they've been playing with ever since). Disclaimer: I am very anti hunting but love the look of camo!!!
Here's daddy and Josh...
It was a way fun day, and everyone had a good time. Congratulations Jackie!!!
Fun shower! Your boys look so cute in the camo outfits! My mom has those guns at her house and Aiden loves them too!
Looks like a fun shower! I love the pictures of the boys at the bottom. Don't they look all grown up dressed in their camo with the men??
Looks like you had a great time! Umm when did Dana have another baby!? Where have I been! Your boys are super cute in camo! Miss you!
Never knew that camo could look so cute!
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