Thursday, April 17, 2008

What We've Been Up To...

Well we haven't done anything too exciting lately but here's a little update...

I am getting very VERY fed up with the boys climbing out of their cribs. Nap time and bed time are hour long ordeals now, and they used to be so easy! I am losing my patience! As I type I am going back and forth putting Josh (Jack's pretty good) back in his crib. It's been 40 mins so far and I've been in there about 25 times, no joke. My friend Becky has given me something to try that she swears by (of course her son is an angel). She says they are doing it for attention so when I go in there do not give them ANY sort of reaction-positive or negative. I cannot look at them or talk to them. She says it will get old and they will just stop doing it when they see that they don't get any attention from me because of it. It's going to be so hard but I'm willing to try anything. Of course, with twins, everything is double hard! So I'll keep everyone updated on how it works. If all else fails, I'm ready to lock them up! Ah!

On a happier note...we spent last weekend up in Logan with Grandma Morrill watching Auntie Christine (Parker's sister) play volleyball at Utah State. We love going to her games and cheering her on-she's only a freshman and she starts and is so awesome! Josh LOVES watching the ball go back and forth and gets so excited. It's also a good time to spend time with Grandma Morrill, who the boys just love!!!

The boys are SO into balloons lately, seeing them anywhere makes them so happy! Here Joshy was really excited-"TWO ballooos mommy!" That's how he says balloon, balloooo.

They also had their first bubble bath-well, their second I guess. Their first one was not a very good experience, they were too young and I put too many bubbles in so they were terrified, haha. But this time...they had a blast!

We've also had Uncle Shane (Parker's brother) over a lot lately which the boys LOVE! They love Uncle Shane because he spends his entire time here wrestling them, playing ball with them, and playing outside with them, what more could they want!? We'll miss him this summer...

So I was in the shower the other day and the boys locked themselves in our bathroom and this is what I came out to...

EVERY last one of Parker's ties were on the floor and they were trying them on. When I first opened the shower curtain Josh had Parker's shoes on and two ties on and he goes, "Daddy daddy!" It was precious!

So a month from tomorrow we leave for DC! I can't even believe it! I'm so excited! But first we have to get through finals. Parker has 2 down 2 to go. Next year at this time-he'll be GRADUATING! We are so excited for that day. =)


Janae said...

Jenn you boys are too precious. I loved that they were trying on Parker's ties and shoes. Too cute.

Justina Selim said...

What a great idea to give them bubble baths! Aiden would love that! I don't know why I have never thought of giving him one! Love the tie pics. Sneaky little boys! We need to get together before we leave! We leave in 2 weeks!!

Shalyse said...

So cute!!! We love Logan! Go Aggies :-) that thing is not working and I even updated my internet explorer..??? what the h?

Nika, Travis, Ayda and Zander said...

I love the tie pictures! Good luck getting ready for DC and good luck with bed time, our kids will always keep us thinking!

Loni said...

They are such cute little boys. When my boys started getting out of their cribs, I just turned their door knob around and locked them in their room. I know that some woud disagree with this, but my belief is that both they and I need a break from eachother, so regardless if they sleep or not, we need seperate time. It also teaches them to fall asleep on their own and how to play on their own. Good luck with that!!