There were two ceremonies, the first one on Thursday was the general commencement for all BYU grads (6100 of them!) and that was at the Marriot Center. President Uchtdorf and Elder Nelson both spoke and it was absolutely wonderful. Only my parents, Parker, and I went to that ceremony (thanks Linds and Jason for babysitting) but I wish everyone could've been there!
The second one on Friday was the J. Reuben Clark Law School graduation at the Provo Tabernacle which was perfect. Almost all our family was there with the exception of Shane (who's in Florida selling all summer), Christine (school, but she came for dinner) and David (work, but came for dinner). I just LOVE having family all together so it was heaven for me! My grandparents even drove down from Oregon! How lucky are we!?
After the Friday commencement we went to Ruby River for a celebration dinner! It was so fun and THANKS BART for treating everyone! I could tell how proud everyone was of Parker, but especially his parents =) AND ME OF COURSE. I already posted on our graduation gifts but I gave Parker a night getaway at a Bed and Breakfast (which we did last night, wonderful) and he gave me a pregnancy package at a spa (pedi, mani, massage, facial, and lunch!). I can't wait to go! The boys were good and were so proud of daddy, Jackson kept yelling "good job daddy, you're all done with school now you can play me ALL the time!"
The rest of the weekend we spent in a hotel with my family and had lots of fun but I'll save that for another post because, let's face it, this is going to be long. =) Sorry to bore you all but we have been looking forward to this day for a LONG TIME and want to remember it well!
Gotta get a picture in front of the sign...
The Barraclough fam...
Jack was waving up to daddy during most of the ceremony...
This is how Joshy spent most of the commencment...
Ya right mom, we'll both smile and get a cute picture...
Proud me...
The boys loved daddy in his "silly hat"...
The Morrill fam...
So don't mind the random order of the pictures, I'm having some trouble with my computer these days so it's the best I could do. Regardless, Parker I am so proud of you and how hard you have worked so you can now support your family. I can't believe the late night hours that you spent studying so hard and I think it has all paid off and you will love your new job in Washington DC. I LOVE YOU BABE, AND CONGRATS!