Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Potty Training Jackson...

Well it's Jackson's turn to be a big boy now! We started potty training him three days ago and he is doing GREAT! I really wasn't ready to potty train him yet and he was sick too so I wasn't sure this was a good time but Parker and his dad went to Lowe's and came home with a Bob the Builder toilet seat and Jackson was SO excited, he went potty right away! He has only had ONE accident (granted it was a poop accident, lucky for me) and he is so proud of himself! He is loving wearing unnerwears "just like Joshy." Josh is actually being very supportive and he does two big claps whenever Jackson goes potty, haha. Josh was so easy to potty train I thought, no way will I get that lucky again, but maybe I will! So far so good!
Here's my proud Jackson...

Funny story...the other day Josh was going potty and Jackson, of course, was in there with him. All the sudden Jack comes running into the kitchen with his shirt soaked. "Mommy, Joshy peed me JUST LIKE A RAINBOW!" Haha, apparently Joshy didn't check to make sure he was down and peed all over poor Jackson who was standing there watching him. It was both gross and hilarious! The joys of boys right!?


Lindsay said...

HAHAHAHA. they crack me up.

Brent said...

They're doing better than I am!!