Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Jackson Blayne Morrill, Age 3...

I can't believe my little Jack is 3 years old! I remember holding his tiny 3 pound body in the NICU and Parker saying, "we should call him little Jack since he'll probably always be small." BUT, we were wrong! He has amazed us all and is a tall, healthy, precious little boy that I am so lucky to have in my life.

Jackson is most definitely my sweet, sensitive, and emotional child. Aside from his occasional dramatic fits, I love it. Jackson is always the one to give me a hug when I need it and is very sensitive to the needs and feelings of other people. He is constantly thinking of Josh and is such a caring brother to him. The other day he came inside to get a rag to catch frogs outside (the things they do) and he got halfway outside then ran back in, "mommy me need to get one for Josh!" He also always helps Josh clean up even if he didn't make the mess. He is quick to say sorry and hates to have Parker or I mad at him for very long. That being said, he's also the tougher of the two. When he falls, gets hurt, or Josh hits him he rarely even cries! He doesn't make a big deal out of owies and has to be in a ton of pain to actually complain. He also loves to cuddle, and when I lay by him at night he'll find my hand, grab it, pull it up by his face, and squeeze it till he falls asleep. He'll also get his head as close to mine as he can. I LOVE it!!!

Jackson is absolutely in love with the color pink. He loves girly things like princesses, barbies, shoes, and anything pink. He always tells me, "mommy pink is just my favorite color." I'm not one of those moms that is worried about it, he'll outgrow out and in the meantime I'll just enjoy it. He will pick pink over anything else and picks out princess fruit snacks at the store. He also really likes clothes, and will often go through 2-3 outfits a day. He likes to dress himself and will put the most hilarious things on! He still likes blue because it "matches his eyes."

Jackson loves to sing and he actually sounds really good! He carries a tune really well and makes the most adorable facial expressions when he sings. His favorite song is I Am a Child of God and I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus but we are learning lots more. He catches on and memorizes songs very well and it just melts my heart when he sings.

Jackson is a pretty good eater and a good sleeper, despite Josh's influence. He does pretty well entertaining himself, playing with Josh, or playing with other kids. He loves church and nursery and loves saying prayers at night. My favorite thing that he says in his prayers is, "Jesus loves me." It's so cute because we've never told him to say that, he's just learned it and I know he knows it.
I love my Jackson so much and feel so blessed that he was sent to me. I hope I can be a good mommy to him, because he deserves the best. I LOVE YOU JACK!!!

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