Monday, April 12, 2010

Quick Update...

Friday night Parker and the boys went to Home Depot and Walmart to get some stuff for our front yard and came home with flowers and chocolate for mommy! It was very sweet of Parker, flowers for no special occasion mean a lot to me. Jackson was really excited about giving me pink flowers, of course...
Saturday we headed into DC for this Japanese festival down Constitution Avenue. Parker was really excited about it but ended up a little disappointed. It was VERY crowded and not quite what we were expecting. Regardless, the weather was great and it was still fun family time. We stopped at Union Station for ice cream and also went up to see Parker's office. Against his wishes, I took a picture of him sitting at his desk, haha. He obviously still needs to decorate! A post wouldn't be a post without a cutie pie in the tub! I like how he strategically covered himself with the cup =)Hmmm...where would be the diritest place to make a fort on mommy's floors?How about under the kitchen table where there's tons of crumbs and all kinds of food? Ya! Ah, kids...

All is well with us. Tyce can now crawl up ALL our stairs, crazy man. Nicole comes on Wednesday for a week! YAY! Then her, Tyce, and I fly to Utah for Lindsay's graduation! YAY!


Lindsay said...

the twins look adorable. i can't believe i won't see them til july. my life sucks. but i get to see TYCEY SO SOON! and parker looks so cute! does he really work there? there is nothing on his desk! he's so smart though, maybe he has it all memorized?

Daisha said...

Wow. Tyce figured out those stairs really quick. Did you get yourself a new gate?

Brent said...

Parker is a true minimalist when it comes to decorating his office - he wants to be streamlined for efficiency - nothing to distract him from his work! It's a cute picture of him - way to force him against his will, Jenn.