Thursday, June 14, 2012

Jackson and Josh Turn 6!!!

Yesterday my twins turned six years old!!!  It was a rough start six years ago and I only hoped when they were born so preemie that they would grow up to be normal healthy happy boys and...they sure are!!!  We started their birthday morning off with breakfast in bed!  We walked into their room singing happy birthday and they got cinnamon rolls with candles...

 Josh is NOT a morning person and he was super tired from a late night before...
 Jackson IS a morning person and woke up super happy...
 After breakfast they got ready for school and were excited to wear these cute birthday boy ribbons...
We drove them to school then just stayed there because they had their kindergarten concert that morning.  It was absolutely precious.  They sang the song The World is a Rainbow and I was bawling, along with lots of other moms and grandmas.  I have LOVED this kindergarten year and cannot believe it has come to an end.  Here they are singing...

 After the concert my parents, Tyce, and I ran some errands then picked up lunch for the boys (Subway was Josh's request and McDonalds was Jack's request) then had lunch with them at school. 

After school they played for about an hour then we headed off to Josh's all-star game.  He did great and I will do a post on that later.  The game went really late and we didn't get home and eating until about 9:30pm.  The boys were so tired but they requested pancakes, eggs, and bacon for their birthday dinner so that's what we had!  After dinner they opened presents from family...
 My parents got these Oregon jerseys for the boys, SOO cute...
 What is Jack so excited about?  I got them kickstands for their bikes!  Haha, they're so easy to please!
 They got the game Moose in the House which is one of their favorites...
 Auntie Lindsay sent them each a cute letter and six one dollar bills, they were SO cute reading the letters.  Jackson, "s-mmmm-aaarr--t, SMART!  Lindsay says I'm smart!  Oh, and it says handsome on my paper (giggle giggle giggle)."  Haha, so cute...

 Grandma and Grandpa Bybee sent them each twenty one dollar bills, them counting them was so cute...
Grandma and Grandpa Morrill got them pirate and spiderman costumes which they were DYING to wear last night but I told them they'd have to wait because it was so late.  They sure love dress up!

After presents we did candles but decided to hold off on cutting and eating the cake until the next night because it was so late and no one was really hungry...
I think they had a good day, I grew up in a house where birthdays were a VERY special day so I want to do the same for my kids.  I felt bad they were so tired, I really feel like they haven't recovered from the trip to Utah.  But there's only two more days of school so they can sleep in all summer. 

I love my Jackson and Josh more than I ever imagined possible before I became a mom.  They are special, sweet, loving, smart, precious boys and I am so glad they were sent to me.  I loved age five but look forward to what age six will bring.  :)  HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOYS!!!

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