So we've been here about a week now and we're pretty much all settled in! There are some things I love about Alexandria and there are some things I miss about our home in Utah. But all in all, we're super happy here. My mom and dad wanted to see lots of pictures of our place so here they are!! We have random furniture because we didn't want to pay for a UHAUL to bring all our stuff out so we have a mixture of stuff from Craigs List, stuff from the lady we're renting from, and stuff from Becky. It looks kinda random but it's the best we could do given the situation! It's only for 12 weeks!
This is the front...we are on the 11th floor. Sometimes it feels like we live in a hotel, elevators, long narrow hallways, huge fancy lobby with concierge service, pool, exercise room, underground parking garage, keypads to get in and out, etc. It's really cool though!
The boys are now in big boy beds! It's so cute to see them sleeping in regular beds. They have adjusted well to them and no more crawling out of their cribs! Yes, Josh is sleeping in a pink princess bed. Becky only had one white toddler bed and one pink toddler bed so we'll take what we can get! Hopefully there's no permanent effects on him =)

Here is the view from our place...I LOVE the green! I could not be happier to be living in a green place again! The brown of Utah really gets old.

Here is our's really nice. I was worried it would be too small but we actually have plenty of room for everything we need. I love it being open so I'm not isolated when I'm in there doing dishes or cooking.

Here is Lindsay's's huge and pretty bare but the boys love to run around in there! Her bed is Brody's favorite place to sleep for some reason...I kinda miss him in our bed but I know he keeps Lindsay company. =) Notice the pretty tulips on her nightstand, Parker got her those when she first got here because he knew she'd be sad leaving her fiance behind in Utah. How cute is my husband! =)
Here's the master bathroom, notice the pretty lilies Parker got me! Lilies are my favorite flower and I can't believe he remembered. Good job Parker!

Here is the main room...

We got a random chair, couch, and futon but it works!

Dining room area, I love the windows and view...

Here is Parker's set up for his desk, haha, we have a loft bed in our main room! Kinda weird but the big desk is so nice to have.

Here is the fireplace and the boys cute little table that Becky brought over! They love the table, but even more so they love to take the little chairs and use them as stools to get places they can't reach and aren't supossed to reach!

So there it is! Everyone is welcome to come visit this summer! We're 20 minutes from downtown DC so it's a great place to stay for free! =) Don't worry, I'll post some cute pics of the boys tomorrow.