Here they are in Jack's bed on the couch, yes it's pink...
Tuesday and Wednesday I spent with friends since Lindsay had to work all day. Tuesday I went to Justina's house and the boys played with Aiden for five straight hours and had SOOO much fun! I forgot my camera but hopefully Justina will email me the cute ones she took. The twins adore Aiden and watching them play made me sad because they live so far away from eachother. Plus, I love Justina and we get along great and had so much fun talking all day. Thanks for having us over!
Wednesday I went over to my friend Melissa's house and the boys played with her precious girls. They had fun too and it was fun to see prego Mal! =)
Tyce loved Paisley's princess chair...
Sunday Christine drove us out to Provo so we could spend a couple hours with my family before we headed to the airport. My mom and Lindsay made a yummy lunch for everyone and it was so nice to all be together, even though it was only for a few hours.
Dana and Jason...
We wanted to leave Lindsay's house by 2pm to get to the aiport for our flight but Livi, Jackson, and Josh accidently bumped Lindsay's glass table thing and it shattered all over her tile floor. Needless to say, it was a huge mess that a while to clean up. I felt so bad, but Lindsay handled it very well and I think she'll forgive us! =( Anyways, we hurry hurry hurry to the airport, say hi to my grandparents for a few minutes because they wanted to see Parker, then hurry to our gate...only to find out our plane is delayed because they "didn't have a flight crew booked" so we had to wait almost two hours until they could find one. Luckily my parents were with us because they were flying home to Oregon so we hung out, which was really nice. The crappy part was getting in so late. We landed at about 12:45am! The boys were pretty good on the plane, Jack slept for 2.5 hours so when we landed he was a happy helper which was nice because Tyce and Josh were out like lights so we had to carry them everywhere, along with our 5 suitcases, 3 car seats, 2 DVD players, 2 diaper bags, and a huge fire station box. Anyways, we got home about 2:15am and got to bed about 3am. Needless to say, we're exhausted!
But it was SO worth it! I love my family and really needed this time with them!
Stay tuned for part 2! =)