They all thought it was so cool to lay in Aiden's little bed together...
Random cute pic of daddy and his boys...
They all thought it was so cool to lay in Aiden's little bed together...
Look at those manly men! No, Jack is not potty trained but he went poop in the potty today for the first time so I let him wear underwear for a while, he was SOOO excited to be "just like Joshy" but then he peed in them. I'm not going to worry about potty training him until after we move next month, it'll be hard to focus on taking him potty when I'm trying to get the house packed up. The good news, my mom is taking the boys up to Oregon for 5 days so we can move in peace! The boys are so excited to fly on an airplane! They'll be so cute! THANKS MOM AND DAD!!!
They loved the spiderman candy and ate it all in one sitting! They also loved their spiderman shirts and of course had to wear them all day! Thanks for being so thoughtful mom! You made their day!
Later that day we dropped the boys off at Jackie's house and Parker and I went up to Ogden to go to Ruby River for dinner! We haven't been there since we moved down to Lehi and had the boys so it was fun to be up there together with no kids again! It brought back memories of the easy days before children, law school, and debt! We had a wonderful steak dinner and it was so relaxing without the boys! Thanks SOOOOO much Jackie for babysitting! The boys had a blast, they love her so much and were bawling on the way home begging to go back to Auntie Jackie's house! We took them to Coldstone on the way home to win them over again, which worked. Then we came home, put them down, and watched a movie. It was a fun day/night just because I got to spend so much time with my hubby, who I just love more and more every day and I feel so lucky that he's my Valentine! =)
Here we are on our way to dinner...(thanks for not getting my belly Jackie!)...
On a side note...last week I went to Boise to spend some time with my DEAR DEAR friend Tara and my wonderful mother in law watched the boys for me. Sounds like they had a lot of fun and she just blogged about it so if you want to see even MORE cute pics of my boys then check out her blog...
Things around here are going well, we are now super stressing about finding a cheap place for the summer AND finding a place in DC! Needless to say, I'm on craigslist 24/7! Our worry is signing a contract somewhere and then things with our house sale falling through!
I am 16 weeks along now and am at that WONDERFUL fat stage, which is perfect for Valentine's Day! =( Sorry babe! Your Valentine is a fatty this year! =( I've decided the second pregnancy is way less exciting than the first. When I was pregnant with the boys I was SO excited to start showing. Now I am super bummed and hating my body. Oh well, I am still absolutely thrilled to meet my little bundle of joy in August! =)