Friday, March 19, 2010

Best Breakfast Conversation Ever...

Usually the boys eat breakfast on their TV trays while watching cartoons (bad habit I know, but it allows me to get a lot done and to feed Tyce). Anyways, this morning we had waffles, eggs, and fruit so we ate at the table together. I'm so glad we did. It was such a special breakfast conversation. Kinda long, but so worth reading...

It started out with Jackson asking a simple question:

Jack: "Mommy, how did you get Tyce out of your tummy?"
Me: "They cut me open with a knife on my tummy (showed him my scar) and they pulled him out, just like they did with you and Josh!" Now I know this isn't entirely true but I didn't think they were old enough for the whole vaginal delivery discussion.
Jack: "Were you so brave Mommy?"
Me: "Yes, I was because daddy was there holding my hand the whole time."
Jack: "I'm SO glad you have daddy to make you brave."

We then talked for about 10 more minutes about the blood and Jackson was SO concerned about the blood getting on the hospital towels and how they washed all the blood out, haha, my precious, curious, OCD boy.

I then asked them where they lived before they came into mommy's tummy...

Jack: "HEAVEN! And Jesus was there too!"
Me: "You're right, and who else lived there?"
Josh: "Did Aiden live there mommy?"
Me: "Yes he did, all your friends did!"
Josh: "Even Emma, Addison, Katie, and Becky?"
Me: "Yes honey."
Josh: "Heavenly Father put ALL my friends up there with me so I wouldn't be scared up there without my mommy and daddy."

So here I start to get tears in my eyes but then he says he has to go potty, so I think, ok moment is over...

Then I hear him, sitting on the pot, singing at the top of his lungs the song, "A Child's Prayer." For those who don't know that song, or even for those who do, here are the lyrics...

Heavenly Father, are you really there?
And do you hear and answer every child's prayer?
Some say that heaven is far away
But I feel it close around me as I pray.

Heavenly Father, I remember now
Something that Jesus told disciples long ago
Suffer the children, to come to me
Father in prayer I'm coming now to thee.

He knew every single word (which I had never heard him sing this song before) and was singing it so precious and meaningful. The spirit was so strong for those few minutes in our home. I am so grateful for these experiences. At times when I am feeling perhaps a bit distant from my Heavenly Father, my little 3 year old brings me back. I am so grateful for my knowledge of Heaven, prayer, and eternal families. I love my little boys so much and know they were sent to me for a reason.

Now my precious, spiritual, perfect little angels are chucking balls at the blinds while Tyce laughs, haha. I guess the moment has definitely passed, but I will keep it in my heart.


brandonandbecky said...

that is so sweet! that made me tear up too! i hope my children can learn that too and we can teach them the best we can like you and parker have!!

Lindsay said...

oh my gosh. so cute. and just yesterday you were telling me how he was driving you nuts!!

Michelle said...

Jenn you will be so happy you blogged about that some day After all the trials of twins and little ones you can say "There was that one day . . ." HAHA You are a great mom!

JP said...

Yes, definitely tearing up over that one. I'm so glad you wrote (typed) that down, how precious. Those are the moments that affirm our role as mothers!

Jill said...

so, so sweet. Love the little spritual conversations with our little ones.