Ok so I feel like my blog has been super negative lately and I am hating it! The main reason I do a blog is for my kids to go back and read one day, kinda like a personal history. While politics certainly do play a role in my life and everyone's lives, I do not want it to be the focus of my blog anymore. SO...no more posts about my feelings on politics, for a while anyway. :) I have made some enemies and even lost a close friend because I voiced my opinion and it just wasn't worth it. Do you think the day will ever come where people can respect other's opinions? I HOPE SO!
So, as I look at the lives of Jackson and Josh something that I want them to know is how much they are LOVED by their extended family. I feel like they have the best life ever, not because of Parker and I, but because of all the family in their lives.
They have great grandma Bybee and great grandpa Bybee that absolutely LOVE them! They also have great grandma Bliss who, even in her 90's, loves the twins and it makes her day to see them. How many kids are lucky enough to have 3 great grandparents that are even alive?!
Grandma and Grandpa Bybee and the boys...

They have two sets of grandparents who are young and full of enery and that absolutely ADORE them! They are always willing to babysit them and the boys always have SO much fun with grandpa and grandma Barraclough and Morrill! It makes me so happy to see how much my boys enjoy time with their grandparents.
Grandma Morrill and the boys...

Grandpa Barraclough and the boys...

Grandpa Morrill and Jack...
Grandma Barraclough reading to the boys...

They also have the coolest aunts ever. They even have an aunt that's only nine years old so imagine how much fun they have with their Auntie Tegan?? She is so cute and patient with them, Josh especially adores her. Jackie is so good with the boys, she has that natural motherly feeling about her that the boys just gravitate to. The boys love playing with Christine because she will play ball with them and entertain them 24/7. Dana doesn't get to spend much time with the boys because she has 3 kids of her own but the boys still love coming to her house and playing. The boys love Lindsay and she spoils them rotten, giving them whatever they want whenever they want-and she's won them over for sure! Seeing how much my sisters and sisters in law love my twins makes me feel so blessed!
Auntie Tegan and the boys at the zoo...
Auntie Christine and the boys at the "bolleyball" game...
Auntie Jackie showing Josh how to play with fire...
Auntie Lindsay making popcorn with the boys...

Sorry Dana, I have no pics of you with the boys!!! :(
The boys have 4 uncles and they love them all! They don't get to see Tyler and David too much because they're always working and what not but I know they love them because they talk about them when we get home from seeing them and it's SO cute! Uncle Shane is a big part of their lives and they LOVE having him come play with them. He's just like daddy, but without the homework and stress, haha. Shane plays so cute with them and it brings out a whole different side of him that we all love. They have grown to love Jason too but for some reason they're usually in bad moods when he's around! Haha!
Uncle Shane and the boys with their matching shoes...

Uncle Jason and the boys...
Sorry David and Tyler, I don't have any pics of you with the boys!!! :(
Last but not least....the boys have 4 cousins and they all play so cute together. Well, baby Cole can't play yet but the boys LOVE to take care of him and make sure he is ok, ha ha it's so cute.

This may be boring for you all to read but I guess I just want the boys to know how much support they have in their lives. No doubt these people will be around to watch you grow up and be there for you when you're mad at your mom and dad or whatever. I also want my family to know how much I appreciate them, we could never have done twins the first year without all your help! You guys all give the boys something that they couldn't get anywhere else from anyone else and I thank you for that. And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come see us-even if we move to the middle of nowhere!!!!