Ok so we only got one picture the whole trip, kinda sad, but really...who cares much to see Parker and I if the boys aren't in the picture???
Wednesday night we went on the New York New York rollar coaster, which was SOOO much fun! I'm a huge rollar coaster fan. =) We also hiked the whole strip and went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory in Caesar's Palace. We didn't finish dinner until about 11pm, which was 12 our time, so we were SO tired (pathetic I know). We decided we didn't want to walk back so we decided to take a cab. We looked at prices and decided it was too expensive so we hiked ALL THE WAY to the monorail, only to find out that that was even MORE expensive so we (and when I say we I mean PARKER) decided to hike back out and find a cab. IN THE END, it costs $0.16 more to take a cab, haha. Anyways, we went to bed around 2am and slept great, we stayed in a really nice room at the MGM Grand.
Thursday morning Parker went to an interview which went really well. What did I do? SLEPT AND READ ALONE IN PEACE and it was the best day ever, haha. I took a jacuzzi, read an entire James Patterson, and got loads of much needed sleep. I have been really sick for a while now and I feel like that sleep really helped me get better faster. That night we went to PF Changs for the dinner interview which went really really well! We had a great time and they seemed quite impressed with my honey. =)
Friday we headed back to Roosevelt to see the boys. They were excited to see us but not ready to leave Grandma yet. Saturday morning they played for a while, we went and visited Grandma Bliss (Parker's grandma), went out to lunch, then headed home!
How cute are the blow up beds that Michelle bought for the boys!?
They always love the horses, Joshy pets them and says, "me brave," hahaha...
The boys had fun playing in the leaves...
TONIGHT was busy and fun too! We had my parents, grandparents, and Lindsay and Jason all over for the night AND Tegan (Parker's sister) and Abbi (my niece) are having a sleepover here tonight! They're downstairs eating popcorn and watching a movie right now. They play SO cute together and I just love having them at my house.
We made popcorn balls....
We love Vegas! I am glad you got some much needed R & R!
Sounds like a fun away time! Gotta love those grandparents that will take the kiddos so you guys can have a break!
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