On the train...
At the game...
I'm so glad they had fun, thanks mom for the tickets!
So while they were at the game, Lindsay, Nicole, and I went to dinner at Olive Garden! We had so much fun, but the HIGHLIGHT of the night was my blond little sister....HAHAHAHA. Ok so we got to the restaurant around 5:00 and Linds dropped me off to go put our name in while her and Nicole parked her car. There was a long wait so we walked across the parking lot and went shopping for about an hour (and got some SUPER cute clothes on sale!). Then we went to dinner and ate for about an hour. THEN...we're walking out to Lindsay's car and she's all, "you guys I can't find my keys!" THEN..."WAIT, my lights are on!!" THEN..."OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS MY CAR IS ON!!!" HAHAHAHA, yes she left her car on, unlocked, running, for over 2 hours in a dark parking lot. ONLY IN UTAH would that car not be stolen!!!! I love my blond little sister and thanks for the laugh Linds!!!!! =)
Is this the same Lindsay who is in the Masters program at BYU?? Glad you had a fun time while the boys were having their own wonderful time. Miss you all.
Oh, that's just...I don't know if I have the words. The scary thing is, I can see my very blond daughter doing something just like that. Oh, who am I kidding. I can see me doing something just like that! Thanks for the good laughs, Linds!
HAha! That is hilarious! I am jealous of your fun night!
HILARIOUS!!!!! and you were right on "only in utah would that car not be stolen!!!!!!!"
you suck!
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