Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Bunny

The easter bunny visited us on Saturday so we could have that day be the "fun" day and Sunday we could focus a little more on Christ and why we celebrate Easter. The boys were so excited all week, wondering where the easter bunny would hide their baskets and eggs.

Here are their baskets, they got jammies, underwear, bubble guns, candy, an outfit, books, and toothbrushes...

Sunday evening we had family night and talked about Christ, the atonement, and the resurrection. The twins really seem to understand the concept and I was so proud of them. I'm so grateful for Easter and the reminder it is to me of Christ's love for me and for everyone. He suffered for our sins, died for us, and was resurrected so that we too could be resurrected and live with our Heavenly Father and families in heaven forever. Happy Easter everyone!

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