So it's 10:45pm and Josh is still in his room fighting going to bed so I figured I may as well blog since I can't sleep until Josh does! is Parker's birthday post....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY PARKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a fun celebration weekend, Saturday we went to the BYU football game then went out to dinner with his family at RUBY RIVER!!! It was SOOO yummy, it's our favorite restaurant hands down but quite spendy so we don't get to go there except like once a year. THANKS MOM AND DAD! =)
Sunday we had my whole family over for another birthday dinner! My mom and I made sweet and sour chicken for 18 people! It was crazy and I could NOT have done it without her, thanks mom!!! My grandparents, aunt, cousins, sisters and their families, and parents were all there so we had so much fun. Parker got some nice presents and I hope he didn't mind all the attention (Parker's not big on being the center of attention, haha). I was so busy cooking and entertaining that I didn't take any pics, but my sis got a few...
Anyways, I hope my honey had a good birthday. I love him so much and wish we had the money so I could just spoil him. He deserves so much and I want him to have everything! I LOVE shopping for him! He is an amazing husband, ask anyone, he treats me like a princess and I couldn't ask for anything more. He hates contention so we rarely fight and he always does his best to make me feel good about myself. He never ever criticizes me and puts up with me being me. He is the perfect dad for Jackson and Josh and they 100% adore him, (case in point Josh is in his bed right now screaming, me want daddy me miss daddy). He plays so cute with them and is very patient with them, especially when I've lost all patience. He has accomplished a lot academically and I'm proud of all he's done. I love you with all my heart babe, and miss you already!!!!!!! Happy 29th birthday you old man! ;)
Happy birthday Parker!
I understand the not wanting to be apart, me and Craig are the same way. I seriously died the 2 weeks we were apart this summer and I NEVEr want to do it again.
I cant wait to see you on Wednesday!
Thanks so much to my hunny and everyone who came or wished me a happy birthday!
I feel your loneliness . . . Cole is gone for the next 3 days in VA . . . his 6th trip out of town for interviews in the past month. Too bad we dont live in the same town, we could keep each other company!! Sounds like a fun birthday for Parker!
I totally understand the lonliness! I'm a wimp when he's gone and I freak myself out at night thinking I'm hearing all sorts of noises! Love the birthday pictures!
Jenn, you're not pathetic - you're just a wimp! We enjoyed having Parker in Oregon for his interviews - he's a good guy and he missed you.
Happy Bday Parker! We had lots of fun with you last night Jenn! Taylor will be out of town from Sunday to Wednesday so I will be in your same boat! :-<
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