He is growing up so fast I cannot even believe it. At least five times a day he does or says something that just amazes me! He loves to learn and will struggle at something until he masters it, he does not give up. He is extremely coordinated (he obviously got his daddy's genes) and can hit, throw, and catch a baseball. He loves to play football with daddy, he's even thrown some spirals! He could spend his whole days shooting hoops with his basketball and loves to yell, MADE IT or MISS whenever he shoots. He also loves to play "bolleyball" just like his aunties! He is always jumping, he'll jump all around the house and he will jump off anything, no matter how high. The crazy thing is, he always lands! He seriously never falls! Again, daddy's coordination. =)
He has learned his colors, can count to 10, and knows his shapes. He is talking very well and uses full sentences now! He used to call Jackson, Jack, and now he says Jackson and it's so cute! He loves to read books and color, and still has no interest in TV or movies. He is just now getting into songs and music, he likes the Wheels on the Bus, 5 Little Monkeys, Itsy Bitsy Spider, I Am a Child of God, and Head Shoulders Knees and Toes.
His favorite possessions are his balls, especially his batman ball. Every night he sleeps with at least two balls and his la la (cloth burp rag). He is also still very into mommy's shoes, every day after I get him dressed he goes into my closet and picks out a pair of my flip flops to wear. Unfortunately, he usually chooses the pink ones but sometimes will settle for my black or white ones. He also loves purses, the other day he had on my pink flip flops, my red purse, and daddy's football and he goes, "bye mommy, later, me going to my football game!" Hahaha, it was hilarious.
He used to be my more difficult child but he has actually become much easier lately. He usually only cries when Jack picks on him (which is quite a bit) and he usually invents the games that he and Jack play.
He is a total night owl and would stay up till midnight if we let him. He would love to sleep in in the morning but Jackson wakes him up every morning bright and early! He is still not a very big eater, which is probably why he's still the little one (24 pounds at 28 months). He is quite picky but things he does love are oatmeal, fruit, granola bars, yogurt, peas, and ANYTHING sweet!
He absolutely loves his family and friends. He loves to go to other people's houses and talks about it all day and the things he remembers about that person's house. "Aiden golf clubs," "Gamma Morrill, okie, puppies," "Bampa Cluff's big boat," "Lindsay's house no toys," and "Jackie's house, BABY COLE!" He has a really good memory (like his mommy!) and always amazes me at the things he remembers.
A cute story that happened last night was when Parker was laying down with him in his bed trying to get him to sleep. He was saying that he was scared because it was dark and daddy was telling him that he doesn't need to be scared because Heavenly Father, Jesus, mommy, daddy, and Jack are all here and love him. He just listened to Parker then, about 5 minutes later, just randomly goes...."Jesus loves me!" I wasn't there but Parker said it was the cutest thing ever to hear him say that, and I hope he does know that Jesus loves him!
I know this was probably boring for most of you to read but I want to remember this stage, I am just loving my precious little Joshua and he makes me so happy. I love you Joshy!!!!!
What a blast from the past to see your comment on my blog tonight! What darling little boys you have! And I love the name, Jackson, of course. Glad to hear that you are happy and doing well. Thanks for keeping in touch. Maybe we'll get to see you sometime when you are in Oregon.
We so totally need to get together so I can see those sweet boys again!
He is cute and smart! I love that he picks your shoes! Ps--about us and swimming...we were pathetic, stalkers even (or was that just me):)
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