Friday, October 17, 2008

Sweet Jackson...

Ok so now it's Jackson's turn in the spotlight! He is also growing up so fast and is a joy to have around the house. He loves to read books and is so fun to read to because he says the cutest things about what he says or hears. He also loves to color, his favorite thing lately to color are doghouses for Okie (Gramma Morrill's dog) and her puppies to live in. Haha. He also loves balls but isn't quite as coordinated as Josh. I think the poor guy got his mommy's coordination, I'm sorry Jack!!! But that never holds him back, even if he doesn't do it with much grace or even if he falls, he'll do whatever he sees Josh do! He has just lately been really into playing pretend, and he's always asking Josh to come play house with him, haha. He also loves to get random things that look like spatulas and flippers and pretend he's cooking for mommy. I love it!

He's doing pretty good with his colors and can count to 10. He was the first to learn his shapes and especially loves diamonds!! He is talking very well and loves to boss people around. STOP MEOWING STUPID CAT (haha, I wonder where he's heard THAT), JOSHY COME PLAY ME, Mommy DO DISHES! Like Josh, he is not into TV at all and will watch maybe 5 minutes of a movie. He loves singing and loves his new VeggieTale CD.

His favorite possessions are his legos, balls, and his la la. He is also obsessed with mommy's shoes just like Josh. He usually picks out the black and white ones. He loves to help daddy get dressed in the morning, he picks out his shoes and belt and it's so cute to watch him admire his daddy.

Jackson used to be a little more easy going then he is now. He is becoming more stubborn, bossy, and disobedient. It's interesting to me how they've changed roles, when they were babies Josh was the easy baby, then when they were about 1 Jackson became much easier, now that they're two, Josh is the easy one again! Jackson can be very dramatic over little things, for example, the other morning he cried for over an hour because his banana broke in half. He absolutely hates when things break in half, like a cracker or cookie. He seriously threw a fit for an hour. He even went up and got Parker's tools asking mommy to "fick the nana." Hahaha!

Jackson is definitely my better sleeper though! He is such an angel at bed time, he just lays in his bed-watching Josh crawl in and out and get in trouble-then he just falls asleep. He is so easy to put down and he wakes up SO happy! He's about an inch taller than Josh and about 4 pounds bigger, he seems pretty tall compared to other kids his age. He is also a good eater, he likes most things and will eat quite a bit.

Jack has always been my special spirit, so many times in his life I have felt the spirit through him. Every night when we sing I Am a Child of God he looks at me with this smile, a different smile than his normal smile, and I know he is feeling the spirit. He loves church and loves to tell us how he learned about Jesus. Sometimes he'll bring our Sunbeam manual to me and ask me to talk about Jesus! I just melt inside. He loves to give mommy big hugs and kisses, which I love!

I love you so much Jackson, and thanks for making your mommy so happy!!!


Anonymous said...

i am devastated too when my banana breaks in half. how horrible. i cant wait to babysit them tomorrow!

Palmer Family said...

Your boys are so cute and I love the updates! I'm sorry you can't have wheat. :( I guess at least your mom has dealt with it so she will be a source of advice. Seriously such a bummer though.